Jumat, 20 September 2019

Mainfinex - Pertukaran aset digital

Hallo para pembaca,salam hangat untuk anda semua.pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas sebuah situs pertukaran cryptocurrency baru yang bernama Mainfinex. Pertukaran Mainfinex dibuat oleh tim termasuk pedagang yang sukses yang memahami mekanisme mana yang dibutuhkan pedagang reguler untuk mengubah perdagangan menjadi profesi mereka.

Pertukaran Assts Digital Paling Tepercaya

Sejumlah besar pertukaran dengan sedikit diferensiasi menyulitkan pemilihan platform untuk operasi. Karena kami telah merefleksikannya dalam nama kami, kami memposisikan diri sebagai pertukaran yang sederhana dan jelas sehingga akan mudah bagi pengguna untuk memilihnya dan mempelajari cara kerjanya. Semua yang lain - antarmuka yang mudah digunakan dan beragam fungsi berdasarkan praktik terbaik saat ini - menjadi hadiah untuk pilihan yang tepat.

Konsep: elemen permainan pertukaran, tombol, dll.

Dengan munculnya cryptocurrency, dunia keuangan telah berubah. Itu harus jelas dan relevan bagi pengguna kami karena audiens utama pertukaran ini berusia 25-38 tahun. Yang berarti mereka bermain DOOM 2 ketika mereka masih siswa sekolah (pada tahun 1994). Mengapa kita tidak bisa memberikan nama sederhana pada instrumen keuangan yang rumit? Ini adalah aksi dan trik kotor yang dimainkan pria berjas dari bank investasi yang akhirnya menyebabkan krisis hipotek. Kami telah memilih instrumen keuangan paling populer yang dapat kami sediakan. Mereka dapat dipahami dan diaktifkan dalam satu klik. Kami telah memilih nama sederhana untuk mereka:

Sejumlah besar pedagang gagal kehilangan uang.

Statistik dari pasar perdagangan aset yang berbeda bervariasi tetapi secara keseluruhan, lebih dari 70% pedagang kehilangan uang pada transaksi pertukaran. Pertukaran kami dibuat oleh tim termasuk pedagang yang sukses yang memahami mekanisme mana yang dibutuhkan pedagang reguler untuk mengubah perdagangan menjadi profesi mereka.

Token terbakar

Pertukaran ini akan menghabiskan __% dari pendapatan kotor konsolidasi untuk membeli dan membakar token. Ini akan berlanjut sampai 90% dari token (8.100.000) dibeli dan dibakar dan 900.000 token tersisa.

“Bekerja untuk kita”

Pedagang tanpa setoran substansial tetapi dengan jam kerja gratis dapat menghasilkan uang dengan melakukan tugas penting untuk pertukaran, seperti di Amazon Mechanical Turk.

"Ramalan cuaca"

Tombol ini mengaktifkan indikator analitik yang digunakan oleh sebagian besar pedagang yang menguntungkan.

Antarmuka dan Bagan Intuitif

Antarmuka Exchange di MAINFINEX intuitif untuk digunakan, membangun fitur yang ditemukan pedagang di bursa lain. Grafik berasal dari Trading View, menawarkan penampilan yang akrab bagi para pedagang dengan lusinan indikator, alat menggambar, dan fitur berguna lainnya untuk membantu memandu keputusan. Grafik sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan, dari gaya ke interval ke warna, dan dapat diperluas ke layar penuh.

Bagan di MAINFINEX meliputi:

• 11 pilihan interval

• 6 jenis utama grafik

• Properti bagan yang dapat disesuaikan, termasuk gaya, skala, dan warna

• 81 indikator

• Mengulang, membatalkan, mengambil foto, menghapus, dan menyimpan

• Ratusan alat menggambar paling populer

Navigasi halaman Exchange juga intuitif, dengan bagian yang diharapkan memuat informasi tentang pasangan cryptocurrency, perdagangan terkini, dan riwayat perdagangan pribadi Anda. Fungsionalitas beli dan jual pada halaman juga mudah digunakan. Bagian ini sederhana dengan menjaga formulir tetap minimum tetapi masih menawarkan beberapa jenis pesanan untuk menarik semua pedagang.

Tampilan versi beta

Likuiditas dan profitabilitas

Sebuah mekanisme yang bisa kita bangun untuk menyelesaikan masalah pedagang dan investor jangka panjang berdasarkan kebijakan nilai tukar terkait dengan biaya perdagangan:
- Suku bunga fleksibel tergantung pada volume, sehingga mengurangi biaya perdagangan. Semakin banyak aktivitas di bagian perdagangan, semakin murah untuk bagian itu
- Biaya berkurang jika terjadi penyimpangan harga yang parah. Untuk mengurangi volatilitas dan slippage dan dengan demikian meningkatkan likuiditas, pedagang yang membuat pasar menciptakan likuiditas akan dibebankan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah. Peningkatan volume yang dipicu oleh pengurangan biaya jika terjadi penyimpangan harga akan membantu memperlancar volatilitas.

Membeli likuiditas dari "pertukaran mini"

Pertukaran mitra yang akan menyediakan likuiditas untuk perdagangan di bursa kami atau menampilkan kedalaman diagram pasar kami di situs webnya akan menerima semua biaya terkait yang dikumpulkan dalam token kami.

"Pendapatan pasif"

Mengaktifkan robot perdagangan yang akan menutup transaksi untuk Anda berdasarkan algoritma. Robot perdagangan akan disediakan oleh dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil.

API untuk bisnis dan pedagang profesional besar

Untuk segmen B2B, kami menyediakan API dengan akses langsung ke perdagangan dan kesempatan untuk menerima dan mengirim pesanan perdagangan dengan minimum atau tanpa penundaan. API untuk: Dana, perusahaan perdagangan Intraday, Dana perwalian, Perusahaan perdagangan prop.

MAINFINEX Meluncurkan, Menyediakan Perdagangan Crypto Sederhana pada 1 November.

Pada 1 November 2019, MAINFINEX akan diluncurkan secara resmi, menawarkan kepada para pedagang cryptocurrency sebuah antarmuka yang disederhanakan untuk menyelesaikan transaksi mereka.

MAINFINEX akan membangun pengalaman sebelumnya ketika versi beta online pada 28 Maret, dan IEO MAINFINEX mulai 16 September. MAINFINEX menawarkan pertukaran tepercaya yang dapat digunakan oleh pedagang crypto untuk melakukan perdagangan yang terinformasi dan berpartisipasi dalam pasar cryptocurrency.

Penawaran Cryptocurrency

Pada saat diluncurkan, MAINFINEX menawarkan 15 pasangan cryptocurrency yang berbeda, yang semuanya termasuk USDT, Tether. Ini adalah:


Seiring MAINFINEX tumbuh, daftar cryptocurrency kemungkinan akan berkembang dan juga akan mencakup pasangan yang melibatkan aset selain USDT.

Menjelajahi Situs Web MAINFINEX

Ketika pengguna mengunjungi MAINFINEX, mereka disambut oleh situs web klasik dengan sentuhan elegan, berkat latar belakang hitamnya dengan detail emas pucat dan putih. Tata letak situs web memperjelas bahwa MAINFINEX memprioritaskan kemudahan penggunaan dan navigasi, menarik bagi para pedagang dari semua tingkat keahlian.

MAINFINEX juga memudahkan pengunjung situs web untuk menemukan semua informasi yang relevan, mulai dari berita terbaru hingga dukungan hingga info masuk dan pendaftaran.

MAINFINEX Menawarkan Sesuatu untuk Pedagang dari Semua Tingkat Keterampilan

Pertukaran cryptocurrency MAINFINEX menawarkan sesuatu untuk setiap jenis pedagang, terlepas dari tingkat pengalaman. Para pemula akan menghargai antarmuka intuitif dan fakta bahwa MAINFINEX menggunakan grafik Trading View, yang memiliki banyak tutorial online untuk panduan. Pedagang tingkat lanjut akan menghargai ratusan alat menggambar, jumlah besar indikator, dan tingkat kustomisasi grafik yang tinggi.

Semua pedagang akan menghargai variasi pasangan perdagangan cryptocurrency dan berbagai informasi yang tersedia pada masing-masing.

Informasi lebih lanjut:

Website: https://mainfinex.com/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mainfinex-423428881717932
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mainfinex
Telegram: https://t.me/mainfinex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mainfinex_official/
My BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2603810

Minggu, 15 September 2019


What Is Thaler?
Thaler is a bridge creator between our community and large investors. The idea of crypto mass education will lead our token to mass adoption Thaler is a peer-to-peer digital currency which encourages growth within the blockchain technology community It aims to strengthen the path towards mass adoption of cryptocurrency technology through investing in unique innovations Thaler is fully decentralized and by definition the most trustable coin on the market Never spend vour


However, despite all these advantages, its structure is still developing and improving itself. This growth dynamics is formed as technology6 grows in response to requests from society, as well as other areas of influence that affect this area of ​​technology in their projects. That is, if you now remember the times when the blockchain, with the world’s first cryptocurrency Bitcoin, was just born, then it had rather narrow capabilities. Later, over time, a new type of coins and another type of blockchain appeared, faster and more easily scalable, and it is called Ethereum. As a result, many more other blockchain networks appeared, each of which is ready to demonstrate its distinctive specifics.

But despite such a pleasant growth dynamics and a positive aspect of the technology, many fraudsters began to abuse the trust of the audience, in particular investors, who invested in promising projects with special enthusiasm. Now, against the backdrop of sad practice and a large number of accumulated fraudsters, the cryptocurrency market has stalled somewhat in its further development. Since against the background of “beautiful” fraudulent projects, the most promising projects lose their voice and further possibility for existence. Since investors have become extremely skeptical of all blockchain projects. Which naturally causes its irreparable damage to the development, not only of this technology, but of our modern society as a whole.

To restore the balance and transparency of all procedures, offers a team of specialists. The mission of which is to provide complete and truthful information about all subsequent projects that have passed their evaluation. It is interesting to know what am I talking about? Then read on.

About the project and its advantages

As you may have guessed, the project I want to talk about now is a platform that will be a decentralized filter for checking. By means of which users, and in particular investors, will be able to get the most reliable information about a particular project that has passed through the system — THALER . Simply put, THALER is a blockchain ecosystem with built-in filters, functions and parameters on the basis of which a full analysis of other blockchain projects will take place, with all the resulting informational references.

To carry out such a high-quality verification, the founders of THALER intend to use successful verification algorithms, which will include such systems as the “jury”, artificial intelligence, as well as a PsP information collection system (successfully used in court practice). Thanks to this particular combination, THALER developers will be able to provide the very high level of trust for their users and investors, which unfortunately no other platform could implement before.

Features and principles of work

Since THALER is aimed at the further development of blockchain technology, in its own ecosystem, it provides for its own token — TAL for all internal operations. Its presence implies not only the standard function bought / sold, but also participation in the vote. This function allows you to participate in the competition more democratically and more accurately determine suitable projects for investment. Moreover, the selected projects will be awarded the maximum evaluation by the jury, as well as the full participation of investors from the most active crypto users.

However, not all projects will be able to get into the THALER verification system . After all, even in order to get into it, each project must comply with a whole series of requirements. For example, have a registration, a technical document, and also fill out a special application form in the THALER system itself . Only after that it will be available for familiarization to the broad masses of users of the THALER system.

This principle intends to restore confidence in worthy cryptographic projects, as well as support the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies around the world. Indeed, many tools offered by new projects are undoubtedly an integral solution to existing problems. Moreover, their actions are aimed at improving the state of our life.


The advent of blockchain structures like THALER is not new. I have already written about a similar resource. Nevertheless, the appearance of this platform has a number of its features and advantages, thanks to which it is able to withstand the existing competition, as well as to tell everyone about its capabilities. But, of course, to evaluate this kaleidoscope of opportunities and prospects from THALER , it will not be enough for you to read a brief review from me. Since outside it lies a whole storehouse of useful and very interesting information. You can familiarize yourself with it by going to the section “official project resources”. And that’s all for new reviews!

Official project resources THALER :

WEBSITE: https://www.thalertoken.com/
TELEGRAM: https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@ThalerGroupChat
WHITEPAPER: https://www.thalertoken.com/white-paper
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thalertokenfollow/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TokenThaler
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@ thalertoken
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/thalertoken/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thaler_token?r=nametag
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6lexmtlUcxn- MtNtvsT1sQ

Author : yongki39
ETH : 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9

Jumat, 13 September 2019


I will give an article … to help you learn about a project that was launched. And after you learn that you can be interested in buying it.
Let’s immediately see my explanation. This project is named Erosion.
This project has a team that doesn’t need to be doubted. Therefore you don’t need to hesitate to trade.

Video Overview :

In financial matters, deflation is a reduction in the general value level of products and enterprises. Flattening happens when the swelling rate falls underneath 0%. Swelling diminishes the estimation of cash after some time, however flattening expands it. This enables a greater number of products and enterprises to be purchased than before with a similar measure of money. deflation is particular from disinflation, a lull in the swelling rate, for example at the point when expansion decreases to a lower rate yet is as yet positive.
Deflation is additionally identified with hazard avoidance, where speculators and purchasers will begin storing cash since its worth is presently expanding after some time. This can create a liquidity trap or it might prompt deficiencies that lure speculations yielding more occupations and item generation. In a shut economy, this is on the grounds that charging zero intrigue likewise means having zero profit for government protections, or even negative profit for short developments. In an open economy it makes a convey exchange, and debases the cash. A debased cash produces more expensive rates for imports without essentially animating fares to a like degree.
Deflationary token, another money accessible to anybody on the planet that is completely decentralized with no focal experts and gouverned by everybody. The system is verified through science and engages people to control their very own fund. Highlighting improved capacity effectiveness, more intelligent blockchain and considerable industry support, exchange volume and liquidity, the Ethereum system makes the ideal blockchain for Erosion. This is the reason we picked the ERC20 standard.
(EROS) Erosion is the first hypodeflationary ™ currency originally based on ethereum blockchain! Let me explain to you who doesn’t know about Ethereum, ethereum is that Ethereum is a Blockchain platform with Smart Contract functionality. Developed by Vitalik Buterin in late 2013. ETH, also known as Ether, is the currency of Ethereum’s Blockchain system. This is what you can trade on the current exchanges. In a nutshell: Ethereum is a Blockchain platform, and ETH is the monetary unit in the foundation of Ethereum. The blockchain is a database system that contains information, used to store information in linked information blocks, and is managed by everyone involved in the system, rather than on one side. 3rd individual such as state or central bank.
Erosion token (EROS) is a descending (deflationary) currency on the Ethereum blockchain. Initially, 10,000,000 EROS were created and will no longer be cast. Every time Eros is sent, 0.01% of the transaction disappears from the total FOREVER supply. A low 0.01% combustion amount allows these tokens to be much more feasible when used in dapps.

The goal

We all know bomb token, it is after all the bitcoin of deflationary currencies, but there is one major problem in bomb. Dapp unfeasability.
How do you expect any DAPP to even work with a 1% burn every transaction?That too with a minimum burn of 1 bomb?
Simple dapps like a cointoss or dice games already have a house edge, and now plus a 1% burn would turn the players bankroll to dust.
You cant expect any real DAPP to become popular with economics like this. This problem is what EROS tries to solve.
With a 0.01% burn, EROS is 100x more feasable to use in dapps, while still providing the long term benefits of deflation.
Erosion also has a feature to prevent self destruction at the end of its life, which is to round off the decimal burn at the 14th decimal place, this makes it so at the end, no matter what, atleast 0.000000000000010000 EROS remain.;


Hypodeflationary 0.01% Burn Rate
During each transfer made 0.01% of the transaction will be burned and removed from existance.
Dapp Compatible
ERC20 standard protocol for easy Dapp intergration while still providing the long term benefits of deflation.
10 Million Max Supply
There will only ever be 10 million EROS tokens created. This supply will decrease overtime increasing scarcity.
Non Self Destructing Asset
EROS burns down to the 14th decimal meaning there will be a remaining supply once all burning has completed.
Expansive Dapp Ecosystem
EROS will be integrated into a large expansive ecosystem of dapps that will help drive mass adoption.

With 10,000,000 EROS released to the market, how do Spacesrop / airdrops be distributed fairly? To solve this problem, Erosion has caused 8,000,000 EROS to be locked in a smart contract, will reduce 500 EROS for each address listed in the whitelist, to list your address, you will need to post your address (must be in any form before 30 days begin) and your twitter profile link (must forward the tweet pinned on EROS’s official twitter account) to @ErosionSpacesrop. If the message passes these requirements, the bot will instruct the user on how to receive airdrops! Each address or twitter account can only be used once. This reduction of space will only last for 2 months and if by the end of two months, any tokens left in the contract, they will be burned.

Token Detail

Total supply- 10,000,000 EROS
Spacedrop total- 8,000,000 EROS (80%)
Bounty total- 1,000,000 EROS (10%)
Team + Miscellaneous(listing payment, etc) — 1,000,000 EROS (10%)
Decimals- 18
Burn roundoff — 14
Burn rate- 0.01% of each transaction
Token name- Erosion
Token symbol- EROS

NOTE : 8,000,000 EROS will be secured a brilliant contract that will space drop 500 EROS each to whitelisted addresses, to whitelist your location you would need to post your location, must have an exchange of any sort before 30 days of spacedrop starts and your twitter profile interface, which must retweet the stuck tweet on EROS authority twitter record to @Erosion Spacedrop. On the off chance that the msg passes these prerequisites a bot will PM the client directions on the most proficient method to recieve the airdrop! Each address or twitter record must be utilized once. This space drop will just most recent 2 months, and if before the part of the arrangement months, any tokens are staying in the agreement, they will be scorched.
A spacedrop is a sort of an airdrop that enables the clients to get the tokens by means of calling a capacity on a brilliant contract, read progressively here- https://medium.com/@jsanjuas/spacedrop-an-airdrop-that-beneficiaries pay-for-87e4b87a0f83

What are the token specs? How is it distributed?

  • Erosion Token (EROS) is a gradually deflating (hypo-deflating) currency on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Total supply- 10,000,000 EROS
  • Spacedrop total- 8,000,000 EROS (80%)
  • Bounty total- 1,000,000 EROS (10%)
  • Team + Miscellaneous(listing payment, etc) — 1,000,000 EROS (10%)

For More Information Click Link Bellow:

Author : yongki39

Kamis, 12 September 2019


Pixby Project - Where Creativity Is Rewarded

Find & Hire Freelancers, Chat, Transact on your terms. PIXBY app combines a secure messenger, and marketplace into a powerful, private, and secure mobile app.

The benefits of PIXBY app for Customers

The benefits of PIXBY app for Freelancers

Crowd sale and our targets

We want to create a platform where freelancers will be able to easily place their services in the form of goods that can be bought in one click using cryptocurrency. Unlike other already available services, Pixby will be free and open to all, which makes the platform more friendly than others.

The PIXBY platform will be available for public access as early as Q2 2020, and while Pixby is in development you have the opportunity to buy PXB tokens before anyone else, and also get a bonus.

Private Pre-Sale: Aug 31, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - Sep 15, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)

Public Pre-Sale: Sep 16, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - SEP 30, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)

Public Main-Sale: Oct 1, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - Oct 20, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)

Milestones of the Project Development

Author by : yongki39


(Services for Wedding Organizations)

Listereum – This is a service for newlyweds where they can find everything they need for their celebrations. Everything from personal sites and guest lists to honeymoon bookings.
Listereum is a new ICO project that is now being released and focuses on the field of wedding and invitation services. The service from Listereum aims to create a wedding site where newlyweds can create a guest list, send invitations online, tell about vacation spots, provide routes and more. Also make or order a beautiful invitation card.
With the existence of this service site, it will certainly make it easier for someone to plan a wedding and order an invitation. Because this service will be a service that allows someone to order various wedding supplies through this service site service.

All wedding services in one place


Services for creating, printing and sending beautiful invitations


Restaurant reservation
Services for ordering restaurants and ordering food


Services for ordering masters with ratings


Wedding cake
Services for ordering wedding cakes


Flowers and design
Service for restaurant decoration


Marketplace wedding gifts are needed.


Drink it
Wholesale store of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages


Services for ordering trips to honeymoon
We can order all of these needs, in preparation for marriage only in one place, namely through the services of the Listereum service, so that it will make it easier for us to prepare for the wedding without worrying about thinking and ordering various needs through different service locations
In this article, we will discuss the 3 project results offered by Listereum.
The results of the Listereum project are 3 of them:
1. All wedding services in one place
2. Recommended electricity service
3. What did you get from the Listereum service site?
2. Economic Service Features
In Listerum services there will be various features provided to make it easier for someone when ordering various types of needs for their wedding, the features provided by Listereum include:
A. Beautiful wedding sites and invitations
b. The main search service
c. Pass-pass
d. Transportation order
e. Tour booking service
3. What Do You Get From a Literature Service Site?
The main item from Listereum’s income. LIST Token – gives the right to profit from all projects. Listereum will get commission benefits from various places including:
A. Commission from the masters
b. Commission Marketplace
c. Restaurant Commission
d. Travel agent
I s. Store
f. Additional services
From the description above we can conclude that, Listereum is an ICO project with very good and useful services for many people. With this service, it will be easier for someone to prepare for marriage through the services of Listereum.
The features provided by this service are also very good and can make it easy to find various kinds of needs needed in a wedding, so that we can get all those needs in one place.
Because Listerum is a service where there are many features that are mutually beneficial for all parties, of course Listereum must also benefit, where the benefits of Listereum are also very fair and will certainly benefit various parties.
Distribution token

Channel funds



More information visit the link below:
Username: yongki39