Senin, 25 November 2019
DACX | 글로벌 레귤레이터 준수 교환 플랫폼
디지털 자산이 무엇인지 모르고 있는지 여부를 모르는 경우 호기심을 충족시킬 수 있습니다.
디지털 자산은 디지털 자산 자체가 저장되거나 생성 된 장치에 관계없이 기술 발전과 함께 계속 존재하는 데이터입니다.
최근 디지털 자산 관리가 매우 많이 개발 되었기 때문에 디지털 자산에 대한 이해가 중요합니다.
기존의 방송 또는 인쇄 자산은 점차 정교한 디지털 형태로 변화하고 있습니다.
이를 바탕으로 DACX는 물리적 상품과 디지털 자산의 격차를 해소했으며 디지털 자산 관리 산업의 성장 또한 급증했습니다. 웹 기반 리포지토리를 통해 타사 디지털 자산 관리를 제공하기 위해 지속적으로 회사를 개발하는 Oracle, Microsoft, Apple과 같은 많은 유명 회사라고 부릅니다.
Digital Asset & Commodity Exchange는 인공 지능 및 고성능 컴퓨팅 기술을 활용하여 기관 및 소매 고객을위한 제품 솔루션에 따라 효율적이고 안전하며 시장을 제공하도록 최적화되었습니다.
우리는 토큰 화를 통한 모든 형태의 자산과 상품의 분류에 중점을 둡니다. 모든 유형의 투자자에게 더 많은 기회를 제공하기 위해이 전통적인 시장에 유동성을 더합니다. DACX는 물리적 상품과 디지털 자산의 격차를 해소하여 제한된 자원의 재사용을 촉진하여 전 세계 순환 경제를 추진합니다.
고급 보안 기능을 호스팅함으로써 DACX는 실시간 시장 감시를위한 머신 러닝을 구현하여 의심스러운 활동 및 보안 위협을 방지하고 클라이언트를 위해 KYC / AML 온 보딩을 사용합니다. 이것은 완벽하게 작동하는 DACX Foundry IEO 플랫폼에서 사용 가능한 IEO입니다.
Digital Asset & Commodity Exchange는 인공 지능 및 고성능 컴퓨팅 기술을 활용하여 기관 및 소매 고객을위한 제품 솔루션에 따라 효율적이고 안전하며 시장을 제공하도록 최적화되었습니다. 우리는 토큰 화를 통한 모든 형태의 자산과 상품의 분류에 중점을 둡니다.
모든 유형의 투자자에게 더 많은 기회를 제공하기 위해이 전통적인 시장에 유동성을 더합니다.
DACX는 물리적 상품과 디지털 자산의 격차를 해소하여 제한된 자원의 재사용을 촉진하여 전 세계 순환 경제를 추진합니다. 고급 보안 기능을 호스팅함으로써 DACX는 실시간 시장 감시를위한 머신 러닝을 구현하여 의심스러운 활동 및 보안 위협을 방지하고 클라이언트를 위해 KYC / AML 온 보딩을 활용합니다.
AML 및 AMM에 따라
피아트 게이트웨이
저렴한 비용
DACX 토큰을 사용하여 거래 수수료 할인 (1 년 50 %)을 사용할 수 있습니다
토큰 번
멀티 스레드 아키텍처 주문 매칭 머신은 천만 tps를 지원합니다
Lauch IEO 및 STO 플랫폼
송금-범용 월렛
iOS 및 안드로이드 거래 애플리케이션
연중 무휴 라이브 지원
참조 프로그램이 DACX & Ledger Nano S 토큰을 획득하여 친구 초대
제휴 프로그램은 귀하의 추천에 의해 생성 된 거래 수수료의 최대 50 %의 수수료를받습니다
기술 정보
팀, 프로젝트 로드맵 및 백서를 검토하십시오.
사용자 등록, 제휴 / 추천 프로그램;
지원을 위해;
DACX의 로드맵은 9 월에 시작하여 2020 년 다음 분기에 끝납니다. 사전 출시 IEO는 2019 년 4 월부터 Exchange 출시와 함께 2019 년 10 월에 시작됩니다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기위한 전문가 및 전문가 그룹이 있습니다. . 다른 스타트 업과 마찬가지로 이러한 프로그램이 이행되지 않을 가능성이 있음을 알고 있어야합니다.
DACX는 No : 1 직종이며 시장 부문의 성능 방법과 서비스 표준을 혁신하고 변경할 수 있습니다.
DACX에 대한 자세한 정보 :
웹 사이트 :
비트 코인 톡 링크 :
전보 :
페이스 북 :
트위터 :
yongki39의 기사
비트 코인 톡 프로필 :;u=2603810
ETH 주소 : 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9
Minggu, 24 November 2019
如您所知,区块链交换被安排在盒子中。挖掘机确认交换,一旦收集到一定数量,便形成另一个盒子。盒子的最大尺寸是有限的。对于比特币,每个盒子的最大大小为1 MB,但是其中的交换数量取决于每个盒子的字节数。在2019年4月,每个广场的正常比特币活动数量达到创纪录的每个广场2700个估计值。
1.激活免费的CPU / GPU挖掘机,并使用ASIC设备保护它们免受采矿场的影响。这一点非常重要,因为以太坊的奖励平方减少了三分之一,而且市场成本仍然很低。以太坊采矿停止盈利,将小型挖掘机推向市场。
3.创建与分散贸易和审查框架集成的IEO阶段。 IEO变得非常知名,并且可能会取代ICO。考虑到首先要通过贸易来检查企业的事实,它们显然更加安全。
我的BTT: = profile; u = 2603810
Selasa, 19 November 2019
Decentralized Mindset.
The progress of the digital era is very pronounced. Not only can it be felt by adults, but even young children who are still at an early age have also begun to be literate in technology and even claimed to be smarter than adult humans.
Progress in the world of technology does have a significant impact, especially in the world of work in various fields.
It is undeniable that today by utilizing technology and the digital world, everything feels much easier and faster to solve. The drawback is that between one person and another it becomes more minimal interaction. Well, now there is the Etherum blockchain online course.
About Us
The Decentralized Mindset Institute is the first in its field A decentralized online course runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The first course will be provided by the Decentralization mindset team which will be a cryptocurrency course, Money course, also a course on Global economics, a course on money history, federal reserve history, central bank history. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform is for users to create any subject and sell their courses on the Decentralized Mindset platform using DMST tokens. The benefit of the DMST platform is that the course provider does not need to collect payments from trusted third-party banks or credit card companies. They will deal with peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a token and decentralized payment system (DMST Token).
Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through the Proof of Stake (POS) algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in the industry but they will be trained in a great decentralized mindset that will change the whole world there.
What is a Token?
“Token” is often used as a synonym for “cryptocurrency” (AKA “cryptocurrency token”) because cryptocurrencies exist as tokenized data (a type of encrypted data used in both cryptocurrency and computer security in general). That said, sometimes people use the term token to specifically refer to a digital asset that exists on another cryptocurrency’s blockchain (for example OMG is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain). That said, there is more to cover, so keep reading. In computer security and cryptocurrency, the term token is generally referring to a cryptographic string of numbers and letters that contains no real data but relates back to real data (that cryptographic code is a “stand-in” for real data). In computer security, this type of token can be called a “security token” (not to be confused with tokenized securities).
Decentralized Mindset Institute is the 1st state of the art Decentralized online courses run on the Ethereum blockchain. The first courses will be provided by the Decentralized mindset team which will be cryptocurrency courses, Money courses, also courses on Global economics, courses on the history of money the history of the federal reserve the history of central banks. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform will be for users to create any course of any subject and sale their courses on the Decentralized mindset platform using the DMST token . The benefit of the DMST platform is the providers of courses will not need to collect payments from trusted 3rd party banks or credit card companies. They will deal peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a decentralized token and payment system (DMST Token). Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through a (POS) Proof of Stake algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in this industry but they will be trained in a masterful Decentralized mindset which will transform there entire world.
Decentralized Mindset Token
Decentralized Mindset Institute is the 1st state of the art Decentralized online courses run on the Ethereum blockchain. The first courses will be provided by the Decentralized mindset team which will be cryptocurrency courses, Money courses, also courses on Global economics, courses on the history of money the history of the federal reserve the history of central banks. The second phase of the Decentralized Mindset Platform will be for users to create any course of any subject and sale their courses on the Decentralized mindset platform using the DMST token . The benefit of the DMST platform is the providers of courses will not need to collect payments from trusted 3rd party banks or credit card companies. They will deal peer to peer directly with their clients in a decentralized system using a decentralized token and payment system (DMST Token). Users will also share in the revenue generated by the company through a (POS) Proof of Stake algorithm. Students will not only receive the best Decentralized Knowledge in this industry but they will be trained in a masterful Decentralized mindset which will transform there entire world.
Amount of tokens 150 000 000:
66.7% ICO (100,000,000)
20% Bounty (30,000,000)
3.3% Referral Pool (5,000,000)
3.3% Airdrop (5,000,000)
3.3% Operation cost (5,000,000)
3.3% Contest Giveaways (5,000,000)
Name : Decentralized Mindset Token
Type : ERC20
Symbol : DMST
Platform : Ethereum
General release : 150,000,000 DMST
Contract : 0xced8be08a2b5d2cba4e4c0b51e8d173f9568eace
Decimal : 18
- January 2018
Started Creation of The White Papers
The White papers for the Decentralized Mindset Institute was conceived and Writing with the concept to create the first Decentralized Platform for online courses. This document was created with authenticity and original research with regards to the online course data and information with the intentions to disrupt this $325 Billion Industry. The Decentralized Mindset Institute coin has a POS Stake standard smart contract and a DAPP with the intentions not just to have a coin but to add functionality to our token.
- March 2018
Start Developing Smart Contracts
The smart contracts where developed with the Proof of Stake Standard as we desired to motivate people to earn rewards staking our token which could add value to our token as well as teach people how to stake. It was really a task to create our smart contract with the specific algorithm 100% rewards the first year, 50% the 2nd year and 3% the next 10 or 11 years after. We ran several test in order to make sure that this Proof of Stake would work as we desired. The DMSI Token will not only be used to exchange for the decentralized course but it will be used for participants to stake.
- June 2018
Developing ICO Concept and Ideology
The Initial ICO Plan included bitcoin talk and a Bounty Manager following the ICO traditional methodology. We envisioned the entire world understanding that there is a very strong demand for a more decentralized mentality and reality in order for the people to reach economic financial freedom. We would use the influence of bounty hunters all around the world basically focusing on bitcoin talk as the main source of the ICO bounty team. Our mindset was mainly focused on the ideal.
- July 2018
Marketing Plan Creation & Advertising Strategy
We have been studying online marketing for over 5 years and we have studied with the top online marketing companies in the industry starting with the great company Empower Network and learning how to blog Vlog and create massive traffic funnels. We have learned the top data service companies within the Crypto Currency Industry. We fully understand CPC, PPC Banner ad marketing, Creating Funnels, Bing Ads and marketing on social media. We decided that we must first understand the market upon which we are trying to disrupt and find the audience that we are targeting and offer them a solution to a big problem which is the same problem for most of us which is transactions, Charge backs, hacking of information and fees of transactions. Our marketing . Our Marketing strategy has the capability of reaching millions within the crypto currency industry. We will accumulate the bounty hunters with a healthy bounty reward program and we will also add our own experience in creating traffic and send this traffic to our bounty manager.We have added contest and major media influencers to our marketing strategy on all the Social media platforms with specific attention to the Crypto Currency market.
- August 2018
DMST ICO Website starts its Original Development
We used our own in house web designers from our team to develop our website as we took much pride in the project. We as a team created a vision of creating the First Decentralized Platform for Online Classes. We actually paid a guy in India to do our website in the beginning but to our surprise after half the website was finished the guy ran off with our funds leaving us at a disarray nevertheless our commitment to this project and all the funds which we had already invested we decided to let one of our in-house team members complete the project.
- November 2018
Testing ICO Platform Site & Finalizing Launch
The Decentralized Mindset Team start becoming more familiar with the website features and platform testing its functions and testing with test bitcoin and Ethereum. We went through several test making sure that we could provide for participants in the bounty as well as the token purchasers.
- December 2018
Creation of Bounty Bitcoin Talk platform & ANN
The Team contacted a bounty manager months prior to the creation of the launch. We worked with this guy for 6 months and finally where ready to launch Announcement. We gave him the entire team and the project upon which development started for the announcement!
- January 2019
We Intended On Starting Our Pre-ICO On Bitcoin Talk
We intended on starting this project on January 2019 on Bitcoin talk. We Officially Announced our ICO to Bitcoin talk on January 14, 2019. A blogger who was looking for recognition saw our ICO on January 03, 2019 and because it was still in construction we still had photos which came with the ICO template for the website . This guy who no one knows as Bitcoin Talk Bloggers hide behind their usernames posted on January the 3rd that we had a fake team but we never officially launched until January 14, 2019 When our official announcement came out from our Bounty manager. It was a witch hunt. We realize that bitcointalk is a centralized platform with many infiltration of the powers to be and have a real problem with a company called the Decentralized Mindset Institute. Immediately our Bounty manager went to our defense and Showed that we officially Announced our Bounty and Announcement on January 14,2019. It was all lies in order to stop a movement called the Decentralized Mindset Institute. It is ironic how we share our entire team and all their qualifications but these blogger on bitcoin talk only use usernames and we know not who they really are in reality.
- February 2019
Reconstructed the Entire Concept of Bounty
The Decentralized Mindset Institute after only 3 days told the entire team that we will prove all wrong and that our vision would continue. We immediately decided no single platform will have the final decision of our dreams and that we needed to decentralize the whole process of an ICO as this is a method that average people have to obtain the funding to develop their ideals. We created a website with all the functionality to decentralize this process. We will not allow anyone or platform to totally control our Destiny or our reach to the public.
- March 2019
Creation of New Website, Creation of the New Methodology for ICO Bounty
Based on our experience of being singled out on our first attempt to launch, We decided to never allow anyone to control the flow of our traffic. We also realized that we needed to Decentralize the Process of ICO bounties. and put the People more in control of the future of an ICO or Bounties. Now with this in consideration we created the new website as well as the concept and ideology for the Bounty and ICO.
- May 2019
Create New Partnership Decentralize Entire Bounty Process
The Crypto Currency Industry although has the potential to become the most powerful innovative technology ever in the History of the World, It also has the potential to become the most Dangerous technology with the power to enslave us more than any current government, bank, institution or System if we are not conscious of all its possibilities. Our mission is not just to launch this project but we are creating an entire new way to decentralize the process of the ICO Crowdfunding and bounty platform. We have also made new partnerships which will be announced during the bounty and Initial coin Offer.
- July 2019
Rebuild Bounty Platform on DMST Platform Restructure The Marketing Plan
We have rebuilt the ICO Bounty platform on the DMST Website, although we have found several Bounty managers capable of managing our ICO on several Platforms our DMST Website has all the capabilities to host the entire bounty process from the Authenticating of the Bounty Manager to the actual posting of the actual postings of all the Bounty Hunters. We are totally independent. We had to develop an entirely new marketing concept.
- August 2019
Testing of New Bounty Platform. Re-Invent Method of Bounty. Hire New Bounty Manager.
The Decentralized Mindset Institute team has now started testing the functionality of the website and its ability to host the entire bounty and ICO without utilizing just one single platform. We have a Team around the world who follow us and believe in the project whom we appreciate for assisting us in the testing of this new concept.
- September 2019
Creation of the DMSI Announcement (ANN) and start Pre-Launch
September our we started searching for a unique individual Bounty Manager who understood our vision and ready to help us create a unique marketing strategy. We have interviewed several managers not just looking for skill set but also looking for someone who truly understands the word Decentralization.
- October 2019
Upgraded our Servers
After Upgrading servers to our surprise several reconnection links where re-established and we had much technical work as the website built is actually several websites within one. Testing of this new server takes place and several testing of website to make sure all is
- November 2019
Official Pre Launch
We have now officially assigned a Bounty Manager and ready to create Prelaunch with a unique Affiliate link campaign which participant must authenticate with Bounty manager and separately go to website and receive affiliate link. In order to qualify for Affiliate link campaign Bounty Hunters will receive link and purchase $10 of DMST Tokens to receive 5% commission in BTC of all sales generated with affiliate link paid weekly. Payment must accede $10 in order to receive BTC. All tokens will be 50% off in the Pre ICO Stag. This ICO will make sure that the bounty hunters walk away with value before the company builds its platform and value of the company setting a new standard for ICOs and bounties
- December 30th 2019
Newsletter Updates & Announcement of Partnerships
The Decentralized Mindset team and Administration will provide a Newsletter to keep the participants informed as to the projects progress. Our team is not just building a coin we are constantly creating new functionality for our coin which will add to the usability of the coin which in return will create Value. We will at a later date Introduce a major partnership which will assist in the credibility of this company.
- January 2020
We enter the Second Phase of the ICO Bounty
The DMST tokens will now become full price of .10 cents per coin by now you have missed all discounts as we begin to head towards the finish line. Several giveaways and contest will start in order to further reward those who have made the journey successful. Newsletters will continue to inform the bounty participants as to the status of the bounty and the direction of the company in regards to the status of the Platform.
- February 2020
Exchange Announcement!
We will announce which exchange the DMST token will be on in a newsletter and announce the winners of special contest which will involve bounty hunters whom we have a secret surprise for the best performers! ALL Partnerships and developments of the platform will be announced and the start of the DAPP will be announced and updated.
- March 2020
End of ICO Bounty
The Bounty will be finalized on this date and we would have created the movement and awareness of out platform. We also anticipate now having the resources to create the actual platform which will Disrupt a $325 billion dollar Industry called the Online course Industry.
- April 2020
Distribution of Bounty Tokens & Proof of Stake Starts
The Bounty spreadsheet will be finalized and all participants will be rewarded shares will be divided and special awards will be presented for those who went to the next level with the commitment towards building this platform. The Decentralized Institute will also announce Certain members who participated in the Bounty official members of the team as we will analyze individuals for permanent roles or positions in the company! The Smart contracts will start its algorithm on the proof of stake standard and all those who choose to stake the token will start earning as of this date.
- May 2020
DMSI Crypto Currency Platform Will Begin Its Development!
We will be developing the Platform at this time as we have developed relationships with programmers and coders. We will also start creating a much larger team that will help fulfill the vision. The DMSI team will start creating the development for the DAPP and building our platform with all the passion that we have accumulated throughout this mission.
- 3rd Quarter of 2020
Platform Launch & Announcement for BETA testing of the DAPP
The DMSI team will start choosing individuals to test our DAPP and Announce the launching of the DMSI platform. We Will start allowing the public to utilize this platform and the Decentralized Payment system as the disruption begins.
Rafael Suero — C.E.O.
Abdul Cader — Smart Contract Developer (Contracted)
David Lyons — C.T.O.
Shankar Masilamani — Programmer Analyst (Contracted)
Chehara Meeks — C.M.O.
Sasi Kumar — Project Manager (Contracted)
Le Queshia Bell — Research and Development
Ellis Vernon — Operations Coordinator
Kazi Sajib — Bounty Manager
Information :
Sabtu, 16 November 2019
SimpleSwap to łatwa w użyciu natychmiastowa wymiana kryptowalut.
Przemysł kryptowalut może być najnowszym i najwygodniejszym obecnie postępem technologicznym na świecie. Wokół kryptowalut i technologii blockchain, która rośnie z dnia na dzień, panuje szum.
Ludzie zwykle zapominają o tym, że w miarę jak przemysł kryptograficzny rozwija się, stoi on również przed różnymi wyzwaniami, z którymi należy się zmierzyć, jeśli chcemy być świadkami masowego przyjęcia kryptowalut.
Większość problemów związanych z branżą kryptowalut to te, które są sprzeczne z tym, czym jest i powinna być kryptowaluta. Mówię o takich kwestiach, jak silne poleganie na scentralizowanych systemach. Aby rozwiązać ten problem, przyjrzyjmy się procesom związanym z handlem między fiducjum a kryptowalutami.
Kryptowaluty powinny być z natury zdecentralizowane, dlatego większość ludzi jest zainteresowana tą technologią. Decentralizacja eliminuje środkowych mężczyzn, czyniąc cały system o wiele bardziej odpornym na złośliwe ataki oraz problemy wewnętrzne.
Pomimo tego, że ludzie mają pojęcie o krypto-walucie, sytuacja na ziemi jest inna. Wiele bram „fiat-to-crypto” jest w dużym stopniu uzależnionych od złożonych scentralizowanych systemów przetwarzania transakcji i przechowywania aktywów. W wyniku tego powstaje wiele problemów.
Jeśli scentralizowany system przechowuje zasoby użytkownika, stają się one łatwym celem dla złośliwych cyberprzestępców. Takie ataki lub wewnętrzne awarie zawsze prowadzą do nieplanowanych przestojów, podczas których inwestor nie ma dostępu do swoich funduszy. Jeśli to potrwa, powiedzmy rok, liczba milionów, które inwestorzy tracą w zyskach, jest niewyobrażalna.
Wyzwania w świecie handlu kryptowalutami i rozwiązania Simpleswap.
SIMPLE SWAP to niesamowita giełda kryptowalut, na którą natknąłem się, która ma na celu zaoferowanie rozwiązań dla niektórych kluczowych wyzwań, które obecnie nękają przemysł kryptowalutowy w ogóle. Na przykład w tej kwestii nadmiernego polegania na złożonych scentralizowanych systemach SIMPLE SWAP oferuje proste rozwiązanie polegające na nieprzechowywaniu środków użytkowników w dowolnym momencie procesu wymiany.
To proste rozwiązanie SIMPLE SWAP zniweczy wyzwanie u samego źródła. Transakcje na Simpleswap będą przeprowadzane niemal natychmiast, co oznacza, że środki obu uczestników zostaną bezpośrednio przeniesione między sobą, co eliminuje potrzebę przechowywania środków na giełdzie w dowolnym momencie.
Hakerzy będą mieli trudności z wykonaniem hacków na takiej wymianie, ponieważ nie będą mieli dostępu do jednego i bardzo dochodowego celu. Gwarantuje to, że bezpieczeństwo SIMPLE SWAP jest na najwyższym poziomie, a także wydajność całej wymiany. Brak super złożonego systemu przechowywania danych w areszcie umożliwi łatwiejszą konserwację całego systemu wymiany. Handel na SIMPLE SWAP będzie najszybszy, jaki kiedykolwiek handlowałem na giełdzie kryptowalut i nie mogę się doczekać, aby wziąć udział w tym innowacyjnym projekcie.
Ograniczone wykazy monet.
Lista nowych kryptowalut okazała się koszmarem z powodu różnych barier, które są zarówno celowe, jak i niezamierzone. Stanowi to problem nie tylko dla nowych projektów, ale także dla entuzjastów kryptografii, takich jak ja, którzy prawdopodobnie nie mogą się doczekać handlu tymi projektami.
Te bariery w wystawianiu nowej monety obejmują między innymi zapewnienie odpowiedniej zgodności z przepisami KYC i przepisami dotyczącymi przeciwdziałania praniu pieniędzy obowiązującymi w jego lokalnej jurysdykcji, ograniczanie ryzyka bezpieczeństwa, handel i baza kodów pamięci, a także wiele innych barier ograniczających.
Nowo wprowadzone kryptowaluty są zatem wątpliwe, jeśli chodzi o inwestowanie w nie, ponieważ muszę stale zastanawiać się, czy są wystarczająco opłacalne, czy nie. Te same obawy budzą wymiany kryptowalut, które pozostawiają handlowców z ograniczoną liczbą monet do wymiany.
W takim przypadku liczba dochodowych projektów kryptowalutowych jest ustalana przez te giełdy kryptograficzne, co ponownie jest sprzeczne z zasadą decentralizacji, która powinna być przestrzegana przez wszystkie projekty oparte na łańcuchu bloków.
SIMPLE SWAP rozwiąże to wyzwanie, oferując użytkownikom ponad trzysta kryptowalut do handlu. Jest to możliwe dzięki rozległej sieci partnerów Simpleswaps, którzy przyczyniają się do ich aukcji i płynności, aby umożliwić szybkie zamiany różnych monet wymienionych na giełdach partnerów.
Brak anonimowości.
Prosta zamiana bardzo poważnie podchodzi do kwestii prywatności i do jej utrzymania, i nie wymaga niczego do rejestracji i przechowywania funduszy. Giełdzie Simpleswap brakuje również środków AML / KYC, z wyjątkiem działań niektórych z jej partnerów sieciowych. W Simpleswap w żadnym momencie nie będę musiał domyślnie podawać moich danych prywatnych.
Brak prostoty.
Jest to zdecydowanie najsilniejsza bariera w masowej adopcji kryptowalut. Zwykły człowiek musi przejść skomplikowane procedury zakupu kryptowalut. Pamiętam, kiedy zaczynałem zapuszczać się w przestrzeń kryptograficzną, prawie zrezygnowałem z pierwszej próby z powodu bardzo skomplikowanych procesów, które musiałem ukończyć przed zakupem monety.
Aby zrealizować masowe przyjęcie kryptowalut, te skomplikowane procedury muszą zostać wyeliminowane. Prosta zamiana zrobi to dokładnie, usuwając wymagania rejestracyjne i przeprowadzając podstawowe procedury KYC tylko w razie potrzeby, a także intuicyjny interfejs, który niezwykle upraszcza korzystanie z giełdy dla konsumenta.
Nieodpowiedzialna obsługa klienta.
Z biegiem czasu nastąpił tak duży wzrost w sektorze wymiany kryptowalut, a liczne wymiany kryptowalut zostały wprowadzone do publicznej wiadomości. Wraz z tym szybkim i stopniowym wzrostem pojawia się problem, że giełdy te nie są w stanie spełnić odpowiednich standardów obsługi klienta.
Często handluję kryptowalutami i zwykle robię to na różnych giełdach kryptograficznych. Z osobistego punktu widzenia mogę potwierdzić, że doświadczyłem opóźnień w uzyskiwaniu odpowiedzi na moje pytania na wielu platformach wymiany kryptowalut. Musiałem czekać miesiące, aby uzyskać odpowiedzi na moje zapytania, co oznacza, że dostęp do moich funduszy w tych miesiącach był wyzwaniem.
SIMPLE SWAP stara się rozwiązać to wyzwanie związane ze słabą obsługą klienta, oferując wysokiej jakości obsługę klienta. Centrala zamierza wprowadzić 24-godzinną, 7-dniową dostępność usług, krótki czas reakcji i najważniejszy ze wszystkich, czyli dostępność specjalnie przeszkolonych agentów wsparcia.
SIMPLE SWAP to rozwiązanie nowej generacji dla problemów nękających przemysł kryptowalut w ogóle. Giełda planuje osiągnąć ten cel, oferując swoje proste rozwiązania przemysłowi kryptograficznemu w efektywny sposób, a tym samym przyspieszając masowe przyjęcie kryptowalut. Dzięki Simpleswap ludzie dookoła będą mieli możliwość korzystania z kryptografii, niezależnie od swojej lokalizacji codziennie.
Dowiedz się więcej o Simpleswap i zostań częścią giełdy kryptowalut, która ma ponad trzysta monet do wymiany po uruchomieniu.
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Autor: yongki39
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Adres ETH: 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9
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Adres ETH: 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9
Rabu, 13 November 2019 a fast and secure exchange service.
Since the advent of blockchain technology in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced bitcoin, there have been hard efforts to implement the blockchain in several aspects of global business processes, Blockchain technology has been described as having the potential to disrupt many industries at low cost. transactions, eternity, and enhanced security. In the following years, many other blockchain implementations have been developed with each showing unique features tailored to specific use cases.
Blockchain has made it possible to spend almost all assets through a distributed ledger framework. With the help of cryptocurrency tokens, these assets can be given economic value to initiate and validate some transactional processes. Several on-chain protocols have been developed by a number of startups and companies that were established to create blockchain-based solutions.
On this occasion I will provide an interesting information, especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. This ICO project is related to the Exchange world named SimpleSwap, a fast and secure exchange service. Before the discussion, you should read reviews that can help obtain information in seeing their vision and mission. Hopefully this information, of course, gives a little insight and interest in you to get involved with the SimpleSwap ICO Project.
About SimpleSwap
SimpleSwap has developed a new generation system that allows you to follow very simple steps and swap subcoins as many times as you want, without lack of liquidity. When you want to buy a token or sell it, you can make transactions through SimpleSwap without technical knowledge.
In December the SimpleSwap team released a fixed rate stream. From now on, customers have the opportunity to exchange fixed rates on SimpleSwap. In addition, any service can integrate the SimpleSwap API to exchange coins at a fixed rate. The advantage of a fixed value stream is that before the exchange process, customers see the amount of crypto they will receive after the swap.
Customers do not need to worry about choosing the most favorable exchange rates: the platform works with 15+ trading platforms and exchange partners, including OKEx, Bittrex, and Binance, to guarantee the best prices for customers.
Along with the fixed rate API, classic APIs with floating rates can also be easily integrated into different wallets and services. To provide more benefits to customers, SimpleSwap offers an affiliate program. Every customer or service that chooses to register on the exchange platform receives a unique affiliate link. Every time someone uses this link, the customer or service receives up to 90% of the exchange profit. This system is transparent, profitable, and easy to use.
SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and easy-to-use platform for cryptocurrency exchanges. This works without registration or restrictions. Customers do not need to have an account to carry out exchange operations. The SimpleSwap system is integrated into the largest cryptocurrency trading platform. This service is able to find the most favorable exchange rates for customers in a very short time. In addition, there is no deposit deposit, only instant coin exchange.
SimpleSwap aims to build ecosystems that contribute to providing services and great opportunities for users and capital management in the area of the blockchain ecosystem based on efficient ideas and globally integrated blockchain transactions with intelligent systems. Projecting becomes easy.
Another benefit in the SimpleSwap ecosystem is that the SWAP token exchange value is harmless and has an investment value that can compete with the value of other token fluctuations, some of which throughout the world are driven by ideas and ideas that benefit society in the global economy.
The advantage
1.Large list of coins. SimpleSwap will provide more than 300 coins.
2.Technical support 24 hours a day. Technical support includes experienced professionals who will immediately resolve your problem.
3.Exchangeer's reliability. SimpleSwap has no problems.
4.Simple and comfortable interface. The coin exchange process will be very simple, so that each user can exchange immediately.
How do you make an exchange?
To make an exchange, you must go to the SimpleSwap exchange site. As noted above, registration is not required, so you can resume operations immediately.
Choice of currency pairs that shows the number of coins given. Automatically, according to the course, the number of the second coin will be calculated.
Fill in the fields where you want to specify a wallet to exchange.
Press the share button and wait. On average, the wait lasts 5-10 minutes, depending on the load on the blockchain. It must be remembered that the exchange rate during the transaction may differ slightly from the estimated exchange rate due to high currency volatility. Thus, the value of coins at the time of the transaction can go up and down.
SimpleSwap has no minimum and maximum number of exchanges. The only thing to consider is the commission on currency transactions. On the exchange site it is written that the exchanger does not charge any other fees.
Information about tokens
SimpleSwap Coin (SWAP) is an internal system token. Every SimpleSwap client can use it. SWAP holders will have many benefits, such as refunding exchanges, coin voting, and many other benefits. SWAP will be traded on the exchange this year.
1.The total number of tokens is 100,000,000 SWAPs.
2.8,000,000 SWAP will be distributed.
SimpleSwap Coins
Our Team
SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and easy-to-use platform for cryptocurrency exchanges. This works without registration or restrictions. Customers do not need to have an account to carry out exchange operations. The SimpleSwap system is integrated into the largest cryptocurrency trading platform. This service is able to find the most favorable exchange rates for customers in a very short time. In addition, there is no deposit deposit, only instant coin exchange.
For more information about SimpleSwap, please click the link below:
SimpleSwap fixed rate API:
SimpleSwap Coin:
Technical Documentation:
Bitcointalk URL:
Author: yongki39Profile:;u=2603810
ETH: 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9
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