Jumat, 31 Mei 2019


AIO Casino – это казино с криптовалютой, которое ставит своей целью объединить все игры, которые могут быть в игровой индустрии, на одной платформе и позволяет игрокам участвовать в казино. Решение сделать это, потому что большинство казино предлагают только выбранные команды, а в мире игроков развивающиеся также должны быть вовлечены в успех казино. 
Aiocasino хочет установить стандарты для Crypto Casino, где игроки могут не только играть во все виды новых игр и игр, но и напрямую участвовать в успехе казино.
AIO Coins – это жетоны ERC-20 на основе Ethereum Blockchain, которые позволяют вам получить несколько выигрышей в казино. Мы решили делать монеты на блокчейне Ethereum, потому что этот блокчейн – известное, безопасное и универсальное решение, обеспечивающее высокий уровень прозрачности и разнообразия способов обеспечения безопасности и хранения токенов для их владельцев. 
Цель AIO Casino состоит в том, чтобы предлагать казино, которые не только предлагают игры для игроков, но и предлагают казино, которые также позволяют игрокам стать частью казино. 
Казино, которые не только предлагают небольшие коллекции игр, но также разрабатывают или поддерживают создание новых игр. 
Это дает игрокам большое разнообразие, чего нет в большинстве казино.
Это проще, чем вы думаете, но многие традиционные и современные криптовалютные казино все еще используют одну и ту же игру. 
Платформа AIO Casino   
Важной частью AIO Casino является игра, а также разработка новых игр, 
которые были добавлены впоследствии. В нашей альфа-версии будут доступны игры AIO Dice, AIO Moon и AIO Spin. 
Между тем, есть также планы по развитию игры AIO Lottery. Казино AIO будет работать под лицензией Softswiss White Label. 
Игра: AIO Dice 
Эта игра называется Dice, но это не игра на удачу и вероятность, в которой обычно используются простые кубики.
с пронумерованными сторонами. Вместо этого, это крипто-ориентированная игра в кости, в которой вы имеете больший охват и более высокую лояльность 
Игра: AIO Spin AIO Spin 
Game довольно проста. У игрового колеса будет определенное деление, от которого можно 
ожидать определенных выгод. Возможно, мы спроектируем игровое колесо так, чтобы было 4 варианта ставок. Это распределяется в 
соответствии с уровнем приза на игровом велосипеде, и если игрок делает правильный выбор ставок, он выигрывает. 
Игра: AIO Moon 
На AIO Moon игроки должны делать ставки в размере, а после начала игры – месячном значении.
будет расти и прекратит расти случайно. Игрок должен прекратить пропадать, прежде чем «Стоп идти вверх», иначе пользователь проиграет. 
У пользователя будет возможность выбрать месяц, нажав кнопку СТОП. Значение месяца будет независимым и случайным между 1,00x и 9999x. 
Если вам удастся в течение нескольких месяцев, оплата будет в соответствии со значением ЛУНЫ. Потери будут уменьшены соответственно. 
AIO Tokens  
Coins AIO – это токены ERC-20, основанные на блокчейне Ethereum. 
Основная функция токенов AIO – получать дивиденды от казино, если вы хотите «заморозить» монету. 
Функция Freeze 
Опция Freeze является одной из специальных функций для токенов AIO. Замораживая монету, пользователь действительно получает ее
заморозить свои монеты и получать дивиденды от казино. Если пользователь замораживает свои токены AIO, этот токен будет 
храниться в течение 24 часов. Через 24 часа пользователь получает свои первые дивиденды. Кроме того, пользователи получают возможность 
«обналичивать» свои токены AIO. Дивиденды выплачиваются на учетную запись пользователя каждые 12 часов. 
Дивиденды генерируются комиссионными ставками. 
токен Имя: AIOcasino 
Token по коду: AIO 
Общий объем поставок: 2 900 000 AIO 
Объем продаж: 2 320 000 AIO 
Используемый блокчейн: Ethereum 
Стандартный токен: ERC20 
TokenSaleЦена: будет объявлено 175 000 
мягких кепок $ 635 000 $ каска

Дорожная карта  
Q1 2019 
Разработка продукта Разработка / Разработка концепции 
Тендер Token 
Q2 2019 
Релиз-релиз Официальный 
выпуск Релиз-сайт 
Веб- сайт ◾️ Запуск программы Bounty 
pribadi Персональные продажи и публичное предложение токенов 
Q3 2019 
Списки Список первой биржи 
◾️ Разработка лотереи AIO и новых игр казино 
◾ ️ Запуск игр: AIO Dice, AIO Moon, AIO Spin 
◾️ Разработка и выпуск альфа-версии AIO Casino 
Q4 2019 
Запуск публичной бета-версии AIO 
Expansion Casino Запуск глобального расширения рынка, исследования, развитие клиентов, маркетинговая кампания 
◾️ Выпуск системы QIO 
2020 AIO Lottery
Казино ◾️ AIO был запущен с полной функциональностью 
◾️ игры расширения 
Улучшения Улучшения платформ 

Rabu, 29 Mei 2019

Democratic and Decentralized Crypto ads and marketing marketplace

Crypto Market Ads affords a working platform and multiple marketing options
Crypto Market Ads introduces a new marketplace that solves all advertising and marketing and marketing needs; centered on Crypto & Blockchain market niches. The traditional difficulties and issues are eradicated in a flash, connecting publishers and advertisers in the enterprise on a platform designed to healthy the needs. By collaborating free of charge, the market surroundings allows publishers to have interaction in fairly and efficiently competing, permitting them to maintain competitive prices. It leads to the discovery of charges that are as low as low-priced and appealing to advertisers.
The crypto advertising and advertising industry have elevated over the last two years. Compared to 2017, ICO & IEO’s advertising and marketing and advertising volume has quadrupled in just over a year in 2018. A comparable pattern has been adopted through the amount of advertising and advertising budgets for projects in the field.
“Crypto Market Ads is a democratic and decentralized market for crypto and blockchain advertising.” The founding core team.
In addition to organising the pleasant market solutions to promote round the blockchain universe, they create an Internet of items and offerings for providers and global markets; Crypto Market Ads wishes to change the manner in which companies allocate merchandise and services by means of creating a really global P2P (peer-to-peer) ecosystem, in which companies have confidence and in which items and offerings are instantly handy global and all thru a network of marketplaces. Crypto Market Ads additionally needs to provide interactive online tools, such as a decentralized visible marketplace builder with an intuitive and straightforward interface. It is complemented through an initial coin supplying platform (ICO) for the marketplaces to make certain the success of all stakeholders, involved components and early adopters.
Is there any distinctive provide for contributors?
The first 999 human beings to contribute at least 3+ ETH in Private Sale will have a lifetime 0% prices on the Crypto Market Ads market along with a Founder badge.
Crypto Market Ads features, the three fundamentals of the platform
If we consider the challenges of a currently consolidated industry, the market needs a relied on platform as a safe heaven and bridge. A wellknown that brings collectively bounty hunters, early adopters, and the most profitable crypto house publishers. In this sense, the Crypto Market Ads marketplace can gain customers through its three strengths:
Promote or provide advertising and marketing services.
Provide consulting services.
Buy/Sell offerings associated to present or new crypto/blockchain projects.
Delivering steady benefits, crypto space is generating possibilities for those who are immersed in the innovative entrepreneurship. The neighborhood and content creators require right income to be in a position to proceed performing their tasks barring any worries. As a result, the value of content, websites, forum activity, videos, webinars, e-mail campaigns, and many different associated services are consolidated. Currently, there is no consolidated platform. Crypto Market Ads opens the doors to the actors of the quarter to provide their advertising and marketing services. The mindset of the founders is to allow the advertisers locate alleviation in discovering all carrier providers in one area at competitive and rational market prices.
In other words, the foremost objective is the era of cost for all parties. In this way, due to the traceability and transparency of the blockchain technology, the events acquire a nexus of trust. Marketing teams can outsource nearly all factors of promotions to influencers, professionals, reward hunters and different associated provider companies in a obvious manner. They will also be capable to negotiate with publishers and acquire personalized provides according to their needs.
Participate in Crypto Market Ads PRIVATE SALE starting at 20/04/2019 and get 50% Discount (coin amount very limited)!
(1 CMA = 0,005 USD)

 Expectations for boom in the crypto advertising and marketing market in the quick and midterm

Currently, the complete market measurement is around $5 billion and is anticipated to develop in the following years. It is anticipated to exceed $54 billion by way of 2021. This tremendous and fast increase has created logistical and external problems; pitfalls such as the banning of crypto marketing with the aid of massive groups in the world. Companies and publishers that take gain with the aid of charging up to ten instances extra than other related niches is an top notch example. It also becomes challenging to find in famend influencers and publishers, as the early boom without guidelines has attracted scams and fraud in the past.
Based on the excessive needs of the crypto advertising and marketing and advertising and marketing industry, it requires a platform to exchange massive volumes of marketing and advertising buy orders. Crypto Market Ads proposes to resolve these troubles by means of presenting a secure market that can carry advertisers and publishers collectively on an open and democratic market platform. Publishers and provider vendors will compete with each different via marketing procedures such as providing prices, demonstrable competitiveness, and immediately communication. Versatility for market makers is one of Crypto Market Ads strongest points. Advertisers will be in a position to lift out their marketing campaigns and advertising campaigns rapidly and reliably except requiring exorbitant budgets or contacting dozens of publishers.
Crypto Market Ads Marketplace Live !!!
This answer will assist the whole specialised advertising and marketing space to turn out to be thoroughly autonomous, as a substitute of relying on giant companies; organizations that do no longer lower back this new paradigm change. The crypto market is massive enough to evolve on its personal except assist from mainstream publishers. However, it will receive with open arms the professionals who bounce in and determine to be part of the most progressive world transformation in decades.
Details and distribution of Crypto Market Ads coin
To take part in the challenge launch, you can make contributions as a bounty hunter or buy Crypto Market Ads coins. Ten billion devices will be issued, of which 50% are reachable for Private sale and IEO; the non-acquired coins will be burned primarily based on the parameters specified in the respectable Crypto Market Ads documentation. Private-Sale begins on April 20 and absolutely everyone can participate without United States residents. The distribution of coins distinctive in Crypto Market Ads Whitepaper suggests the following proportions:
50% Private Sale & IEO (Crowd Sales)
10% Marketing, bounty, sales, referrals & advisors.
20% Exchanges & reserve.
10% Crypto Market Ads Founders (Lock up one year).
10% of Crypto Market Ads Team participants (Lock up one year).
Total Supply => 10,000,000,000
Token Symbol => CMA
To know more about CRYPTOMARKETADS project check below

Bitcointalk username : yongki39

Goldenugget platform

Goldenugget platform provides GNTO Token customers with the opportunity

Hello everyone, this new post, which I want to present about a very interesting and good project Goldenugget, and for more detailed information we will proceed to the following discussion:

What is Goldenugget?

GoldeNugget is an already existing reality: in West Africa more than 3,000,000 euros have already been invested in earthmoving machinery for the gold industry. Where you can really feel the dust, noise and smell of business. Where people really have a goal, where people really see real results in their hands at the end of the day. Call it the “Old Economy”, but this business was once a real value for money, the same money that still allows you to buy bread. So why not combine the old dirty, but real business with the new innovation industry, such as Crypto in Switzerland, where the buyer can rely on a predictable legal framework.


Our mission is to create a platform for buying gold. Goldenugget platform provides GNTO Token customers with the opportunity to directly buy gold or participate in Dutch auctions, which will give them an interesting opportunity to purchase gold at a bargain price.


To become the most influential innovator in the field of field development on the planet, we strive for this. As you know, mining is not an ecological industry, we at GOLDENUGGET want to make a revolution in this industry. Through the use of new environmentally friendly non-toxic chemicals and the establishment of the most environmentally-friendly miners on earth, respecting our neighbors and working with them to create and create infrastructure and services so that after the completion of the project they have something to thrive on.

How it works?


GNTO is a GoldeNugget compatible ERC20 token registered in the Ethereum core network, minted to 30,000,000 units with 18 decimal places that buyers will use to buy gold at “outlet” prices, either on our reverse auction website or on a Dutch auction .

Goldenugget Blockchain is an EVM-compatible (Ethereum virtual machine) publicly accessible licensed blockchain with the Proof of Authority consensus algorithm.

Blocks are checked every 30 seconds.

Goldenugget Blockchain stores and tracks all transactions from gold production to delivery of purchases and reverse auction website, tracking documents on items for sale, and allows you to exchange them at any time.

Token details

Token Name: GoldeNugget Token

Token symbol: GNTO

GNTO total: 30,000,000 GNTO

Available for IEO (Hard Cap): 19,500,000 GNTO

Emission level: No new tokens will be issued.

Token Exchange:

Will not be released to the market within 12 months
Amount released: Tokens that were exchanged for gold on the Goldenugget platform will be released to the market through exchanges at market prices.

Conversion Rate: 1 GNTO = 1 USD or equivalent ETH

Our Team

Road map

To build a great project, you need a lot of dedication, hard work and extraordinary organization. Goldenugget has been on our mind for a long time, and yet we have amazing plans for the future. Each milestone was carefully thought out for the best performance, and each of our steps will bring us closer to ultimate success.

This is our journey. Be a part of it!

April 2011
West African company Afro Splendid Minerals Co. Ltd starts with more than 3 000 000,00 euro investment

2018 January
Decision to invest in blockchain project approved
May - the beginning of the project - a seminar for strategic decision making
June - project launch - development of Blockchain begins
June - definition of the name and logo
July - the beginning of the project site development
September - development of prototypes Smart Contract + crash tests

2019 January
Blockchain completion + crash tests
March - Completion of the White Paper - Completion taken
September - membership in SRO
September - the beginning of sales of gold
September - the beginning of the Dutch auction
December - the start of mining in Ghana, the 1st phase. The force of gravity

March 2020
Start of mining in Ghana. Carbon leaching


Goldenugget is a combination of decentralized blockchain technology and the most antique, reliable, increasing, and stable asset, namely Gold. Goldenugget is the first Crypto platform that allows Token holders (GNTO) to buy or auction Dutch Mined Gold.

To find more information, please follow several sources for the following links:

ETH: 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9





数字形式的货币对当前和未来世界的影响是无可辩驳的,因为它们肯定会改变不同的业务,包括药物,经济,政府问题,法律等等。数字货币交易 - 这是当今世界的核心工具,您可以通过加密形式的货币购买/出售和赢取交易。现在,数字货币交易的数量及其重要性就证明了这一点。每天的交换量为310亿美元。正常的0.5%佣金使交易能够获得巨额现金。交易越多,可用的控制就越少。

影响当前游戏阶段的一部分问题包括控制,缺乏直接性,不确定性,推迟支付和其他一些。这些问题以及更多是DABANKING将理解和改变整个游戏企业的事情。已经看到,当前的游戏阶段可靠地控制和混淆游戏结果,以便单独支持业务。游戏企业的这种控制已经完成,玩家将不会对发生的事情有最小的想法,他们将继续看到的一切都是他们身边的不幸。 DABANKING阶段的发送将重新建立并更加直接地进入游戏场景。

最近,我们仍然看到了游戏业务的稳固上升和快速发展。根据2017年10月的一份报告,有23亿客户利用这一行业管理,持续产生1050亿美元的巨额收入。今天游戏改进中的典型问题是未能证明游戏资源的存在和责任,导致许多虚假陈述。精明的合同使客户能够确信他们将获得在区块链约束时经过验证的资源/产品。游戏内物交易目前是一个生产性行业,其评估价值达到500亿美元,需要迅速增加。 “非常规”的非比例代币是区块链给予博彩业务最重要的承诺之一。每个令牌都有一个与某种虚拟资源对话的特殊字符。这些虚拟资源可以在任何分散的交换阶段购买和出售,从而消除外部人员的多余费用和危险。这些计算机化的东西可以是任何东西,从游戏皮肤到具有高度不规则性的虚拟卡片。
Metamask Wallet在您的PC或TrustWallet上推出便携式;
来自DABANKING的首批Dapp产品之一是依赖于区块链创新的FomoJackpot彩票项目以及整个名为FomoGame的Game Dapp,它帮助会员在疲惫的一天之后参与其中,同时以简单的方式增加薪水。 FomoGame是基于Blockchain Ethereum的DABANKING生物系统中的自主DApp框架。它为客户提供了完美的体面和直接性,从而帮助客户在DABANKING生物系统的所有应用中遇到令人难以置信的遭遇。


Q4 / 2018-Q1 / 2019:
Q2 / 2019:
Q3 / 2019:
Q4 / 2019:
BitcoinTalk:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action = profile; u = 2603810

Selasa, 28 Mei 2019



developing the financial and economic environment in Kazakhstan using blockchain technology
The mining process involves the location of a country. Although this process takes place digitally, environmental factors have an influence on this activity. Not all regions can do mining. This is because each region has a different geographical condition which turns out to have a direct influence on mining activities. Because it involves large power usage and requires a stable internet network, this makes geographical conditions affect the mining activities of digital assets. Mining will involve mining companies. Their function is to provide facilities and ensure ongoing management of processes under controlled conditions. This company has a role that is almost the same as the node but the scale is bigger.
There are several regions that have been considered as not optimal for carrying out mining activities such as China. Population density and the high activity that occurs there make the network system in the country less suitable for use in mining activities. This then led to the idea of finding a new mining location that was very strategic and supported in many factors, especially geography. The Central Asia region is the most appropriate choice where Kazakhstan will become a new mining center. Ideal environmental conditions and adequate availability of resources make this country in accordance with the criteria sought. Therefore, the Kazakh government finally agreed to build a digital asset mining infrastructure in their country to help improve its economy. By involving digital elements,


  • Promote renewable energy business from the government of Kazakhstan.
  • KHAN 21 HOLDING entered the solar energy field. Buy a business license
  • Chosen as an investment company – Talgar city, solar power plant and hydropower project area
  • The first Korean gate to pass in Kazakhstan to the final report of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy.


  • Obtained a license for INNOB CO., Ltd
  • Introduction and operation of public transportation
  • Planned to introduce a U-payment system


  • Optimal environment, cheap electricity
  • Electric equipment data center with city support
  • About 2 million mining machines are available
  • 49 year lease contract
cheap electricity Data center and electrical equipment with city support. About 2 million mining machines are available, 49 years lease contracts, looking for better mining markets with abundant sustainable energy. FACITE has one step forward but ahead of all because with some innovations to be exploited it will also guarantee sustainable returns
Because Kazakhstan is the 9th country in the world in size, the most important aspect is the transportation sector. Poorly developed transportation infrastructure directly affects business development. The FACITE project business model is expanding the use of a universal automatic payment system. Such payment systems not only include buses and transportation, but also retail, pharmacies, ticket reservations, electronic cash management systems, and ATMs. More information about your bus card plan can be found on the Whitepaper page. The required link will be in the description.
Another important direction for the development of the FACITE company is solar energy. Kazakhstan is very concerned about environmental protection, the creation of green infrastructure and renewable energy sources. Kazakhstan has favorable geographical conditions for solar energy production. With such conditions, experts predict the development of solar energy in Kazakhstan by an average of 17-32% per year. In addition, the country has silicon reserves and there are factories for solar cell production.
Tokens will be distributed as follows:
  • 40% will go on sale
  • 20% of the company’s operations
  • 10% of team members
  • 10% marketing
  • 10% for developers
  • 5% advisor
  • 5% backup

Tokens issued to team members and consultants will be blocked for 6 months from the first day of listing on the stock exchange.
This concludes the review. In conclusion, I want to say that such a global and effective project will make a breakthrough in the field of cryptocurrency and bring profits to its investors in the near future.
-2Q 2018
· Creating a Foundation
• well-established
4Q 2018
· Installation of 500,000 mining machines
-e.xecution 2Q 2019
· 100,000 installations
mining machinery
· Solar power plants
registration at
· Mining center was established
• My start
· Min sharod lucky
· Public bus pilot operations
• Share bus cards • national lists
(Shimk • nt)
• Renewal of solar power generation sites
· Installation of 700,000
mining machinery
· Expand the use of bus cards
• Install on 900,000 • Installation 1.2
Million mining mining machines
· The right U payment machine
· Build the facts of solar transmitters • Solar power
· Approval for first solar energy dividends
• n • rgy transmission • r grid •
· Installation
1.5 million mining
· Isolation 2 •
million mining machines
1Q 2021
· Install 18 million machines min
· Make commercialization of coins


btc name yongki39