Selasa, 28 Mei 2019



developing the financial and economic environment in Kazakhstan using blockchain technology
The mining process involves the location of a country. Although this process takes place digitally, environmental factors have an influence on this activity. Not all regions can do mining. This is because each region has a different geographical condition which turns out to have a direct influence on mining activities. Because it involves large power usage and requires a stable internet network, this makes geographical conditions affect the mining activities of digital assets. Mining will involve mining companies. Their function is to provide facilities and ensure ongoing management of processes under controlled conditions. This company has a role that is almost the same as the node but the scale is bigger.
There are several regions that have been considered as not optimal for carrying out mining activities such as China. Population density and the high activity that occurs there make the network system in the country less suitable for use in mining activities. This then led to the idea of finding a new mining location that was very strategic and supported in many factors, especially geography. The Central Asia region is the most appropriate choice where Kazakhstan will become a new mining center. Ideal environmental conditions and adequate availability of resources make this country in accordance with the criteria sought. Therefore, the Kazakh government finally agreed to build a digital asset mining infrastructure in their country to help improve its economy. By involving digital elements,


  • Promote renewable energy business from the government of Kazakhstan.
  • KHAN 21 HOLDING entered the solar energy field. Buy a business license
  • Chosen as an investment company – Talgar city, solar power plant and hydropower project area
  • The first Korean gate to pass in Kazakhstan to the final report of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy.


  • Obtained a license for INNOB CO., Ltd
  • Introduction and operation of public transportation
  • Planned to introduce a U-payment system


  • Optimal environment, cheap electricity
  • Electric equipment data center with city support
  • About 2 million mining machines are available
  • 49 year lease contract
cheap electricity Data center and electrical equipment with city support. About 2 million mining machines are available, 49 years lease contracts, looking for better mining markets with abundant sustainable energy. FACITE has one step forward but ahead of all because with some innovations to be exploited it will also guarantee sustainable returns
Because Kazakhstan is the 9th country in the world in size, the most important aspect is the transportation sector. Poorly developed transportation infrastructure directly affects business development. The FACITE project business model is expanding the use of a universal automatic payment system. Such payment systems not only include buses and transportation, but also retail, pharmacies, ticket reservations, electronic cash management systems, and ATMs. More information about your bus card plan can be found on the Whitepaper page. The required link will be in the description.
Another important direction for the development of the FACITE company is solar energy. Kazakhstan is very concerned about environmental protection, the creation of green infrastructure and renewable energy sources. Kazakhstan has favorable geographical conditions for solar energy production. With such conditions, experts predict the development of solar energy in Kazakhstan by an average of 17-32% per year. In addition, the country has silicon reserves and there are factories for solar cell production.
Tokens will be distributed as follows:
  • 40% will go on sale
  • 20% of the company’s operations
  • 10% of team members
  • 10% marketing
  • 10% for developers
  • 5% advisor
  • 5% backup

Tokens issued to team members and consultants will be blocked for 6 months from the first day of listing on the stock exchange.
This concludes the review. In conclusion, I want to say that such a global and effective project will make a breakthrough in the field of cryptocurrency and bring profits to its investors in the near future.
-2Q 2018
· Creating a Foundation
• well-established
4Q 2018
· Installation of 500,000 mining machines
-e.xecution 2Q 2019
· 100,000 installations
mining machinery
· Solar power plants
registration at
· Mining center was established
• My start
· Min sharod lucky
· Public bus pilot operations
• Share bus cards • national lists
(Shimk • nt)
• Renewal of solar power generation sites
· Installation of 700,000
mining machinery
· Expand the use of bus cards
• Install on 900,000 • Installation 1.2
Million mining mining machines
· The right U payment machine
· Build the facts of solar transmitters • Solar power
· Approval for first solar energy dividends
• n • rgy transmission • r grid •
· Installation
1.5 million mining
· Isolation 2 •
million mining machines
1Q 2021
· Install 18 million machines min
· Make commercialization of coins


btc name yongki39

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