Selasa, 25 Juni 2019



Hello friends, come back with me, yongki. It was late in the yard, and I wrote this post. Do you want to make money or not? Tell me straight, stop sitting and sit on your pants. It's time to act, your investment will help you in the future. An amazing man, Eugene Kulikov, started a cool crypto idea. You ask me who he is, and you search the internet and very devices. He is a financier, musician, band leader and great and strong investor. And he has created a sensation in this field. He is very cool and that is not a joke. In the short term, the project can involve more than $ 8 million. And this is not the limit, soon there will be more millions. Well? You watch everything and don't invest in the project? And this is futile, there is little time left and you lose the potential profit. Yes, there aren't many stories that you want to hear? And goModern technological solutions mainly solve narrow problems, thus ensuring the development of the segment segment. It is obvious that there are no serious integrated solutions on the market. For blockchain platforms, these are basically platforms that allow users to create their own electronic cash assets – blockchain tokens and trade them on the exchange, thereby attracting investments.
In the enhanced version, in addition to the release of digital assets, Finance the decentralized community additional community regulation functions, vote and transmit encrypted messages.
From a practical point of view, these platforms and properties do not have many functions.
Therefore, the integrated BILLCRYPT pl system will become an indispensable environment for creating a Blockchain representation and will be extremely useful for business, investors and ordinary users. A marker BILLCRYPT has a strong opportunity to reach the highest position in the ranking of electronic money.
Because the infrastructure is too complex to use and is rarely used in everyday life, it forces users to regularly convert the token to fiat currency and Vice versa. This creates additional complexity and instability throughout the system. For so-called registered blockchain platforms, they are used in the areas of legal registration, logistics, social insurance, education, medicine, product quality control, but they are often self-referenced. center and are not integrated with other blockchain.
Currently, developers are actively involved in the creation of open code, it will help to exchange digital assets and electronic money between the blockchain. It also confirms the fact that the potential of blockchain technology has not yet been fully disclosed. As we can see, existing platforms exist in complex, unstructured environments and do not have any formal integrated platform solutions.
The development of the Blockchain era is approaching the threshold
decentralized technologies in everyday life.
We are proud to announce that we are the first and only to have proposed the concept
Universal daily use of the blockchain.
Platform Billcrypt pl will make the blockchain needed literally everything.
We have introduced new concepts:
BR – blockchain View
ViP-Part of the virtual image (part of the virtual image)
Ivo-initial VIP offer
It is currently very difficult to determine
reliability of information about any object or subject, whether it is a company or a specialist in Russia
any field or product. This creates difficulties in decision-making.
For many years of work in the field of investment, we also often faced the problem of financing
perspective and even breakthrough companies.
As a rule, the reasons were complex and lengthy decision-making process, excessive
administration of potential institutional investors. Even with the advent of the possibility of Russia
attracting investments in the crypto-market, the problem of trust remains extremely urgent.
We, as professionals with years of experience, understand because we have to wear
comprehensive painstaking work on the evaluation of potential projects does not always have
trust in reliable information, even if the business is already running.
Find among the many projects real, worthy not only of attention, but also real investment,
You should be able to find such promising projects and spend effort, money and a lot of time.
Blockchain allows you to implement the principle of supporting the absolute reliability of data without
participation of any human factors.
Therefore, we decided to create a platform – blockchain add-on system that will solve these issues
problems with conceptual approaches, technologies and functionality.
Road map
The emergence of the idea of creating a single multifunctional blockchain platform for existing enterprises, investment projects and investors.
Two thousand seventeen
Conceptual formation; technology, tasks, solutions.
2nd quarter of 2018
Development of projects, economic systems and security systems; Discussion and signing of agreements with project partners, current members of the investment group; Write smart contracts for the BILLCRYPT token; Preparation for closing before the sale; June 27, billcrypt (trial version) began; Start accepting sales orders before closing, price 1BILC = $ 0.5
3rd quarter of 2018
Temporary tests; Continue to develop projects, economic systems and security systems; 08.08.2018 issued BILLCRYPT – issue of 152,000, 000 BILC Pre-sale: 1BILC price = $ 0,5 Minimum for the purchase of 10,000 BILC = a $ 5,000 Conversion of the investment Fund from existing investors (coming soon) on BILLCRYPT
4th quarter of 2018
Constant work on projects and economic systems WhitePaper V. 1 Development completed Create project website. October 18-the final stage of the previous opening begins. Price 1BILC = 0.6. Minimum to buy 10 000 BILC = 6 000 $. November 16-the first sale is opened (application acceptance). Price 1BILC = 0.75 dollars. Minimum to buy 20 000 BILC = 15 000 dollars
The first quarter of 2019
Design process modeling; Introduce terms and concepts of BR and ViP; Create innovative economic models; WhitePaper V. 2; Negotiations with institutional investors.
2nd quarter 2019
Expansion of BR concept; Modeling of system processes; Introduce terminology and concepts of IVO (Initial software); WhitePaper V. 3; Localization of languages (French, Spanish, Korean, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.). Marketing, PR and advertising before the token sale; Communication with the main data of the project on the world of electronic money; Negotiations with institutional investors.
3rd quarter 2019
ITO starts on July 3, 2012. 13:15 UTC Cost 1 BILC = $ 1. Application for exchange. Fill ITO 30.09.2019 05:03 UTC or when the cover is heavy. Full distribution of the BILC. Exchange list
4th quarter 2019
Platform development, infrastructure, design, layout, MVP; platform Integration with external resources; Billcrypt exchange operation launched; BILLCRYPT economic development
First quarter of 2020
Launch the BR test on the platform; VIP Testing; Increase market presence;
2nd quarter of 2020
The complexity of the work on the economic and technical development of the platform; testing time for BR & ViP
3 quarter 2020
Run all the functions of the platform; the launch of the BR with the basic functions; Run IVO (Initial collateral); to Begin on the basis of joint projects; to Begin closing before the sale of joint projects from the pool;
Q4 2020
Full-featured run BR; a Complex solution; to Start joint projects before the sale; Start partnership projects ICO
2021 onwards
More info in:


AIGO – Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World

Image result for AIGO - Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World
How It works?
For cryptocurrency to be successful over time, it needs to be a core aspect of the ecosystem it represents. The AI-Payment ecosystem will be built entirely around the functionality of AIGOPay Tokens. Our goal is to create a standard “De-jure & De-Facto”. AI-payment for modern payments by adopting strong economic token support.

Early Adopters

Early adopters are leading businesses from various industries that have been committed to AI-Payment Chain. This trader is vol. significant processing can be done in the AIGO Ecosystem.

Partner Launch

We have carefully selected launch partners with the ability to realize AI-Payment ‘potential in the field of personal market skills. This market will enable people to empower, service fees, and destroy the current revenue allocation model.

AI-Payment pride

As part of a support system that will be developed in order to promote the adoption of AIGO tokens, we will combine applications as part of our wallets where only businesses have chosen to process with AI-Payment.
Image result for AIGO - Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World

A – Wallet

A dashboard of accounts is used to view account details and to connect wallet-to-wallet. Wallet is the user’s private key holder. A-Wallet will facilitate the interaction of bill payments and between accounts. This interaction consists of PullRequests, approves transactions, shows transaction history, and displays account balance.

A – Store

A marketplace that supports AI-System, the purpose of this system is to allow users to buy goods without confirmation from the center, which is instant without a significant time lag. This is one of the AIGO Platforms that has something unique from other e-Commerce.

A – Card

A platform that we will realize is where the payment system uses an ATM card (A-Card). We will disseminate an A-Card that can help overcome the solution of fiat currency withdrawal (Crypto Card Bank) and also to pay bills without the slightest fee.

A – Chain

AIGO will initially be introduced to the Ethereum network but intends to use other networks to develop signs in the future. The AIGO solution consists of several smart and unique contract components that come together to create a flexible AI-Payment Chain.
more information:
BTT Profil link:;u=2603810



Skema proyek

Kami ingin setiap proyek yang masuk ke cryptocurrency terlebih dahulu menyisihkan 10% dari koin atau token bank untuk ditransfer ke program sosial! Inilah satu-satunya cara masyarakat benar-benar dapat memengaruhi masa depannya. Contoh: Jika pencipta Bitcoin telah mendirikan yayasan sosial dan mentransfer 500.000 koin ke awal, maka hari ini dana tersebut akan memiliki $ 3,1 miliar. Dan orang-orang sendiri akan dapat menghabiskan uang ini untuk program sosial – terlepas dari pemerintah dan bankir. ISKRA adalah peluang nyata bagi masyarakat kita untuk menjadi masyarakat modern dengan akuntabilitas sosial!


Anak-anak membutuhkan metode baru untuk menerima bantuan. Tim Lucem melihat perlunya membuat perbedaan dalam menyelesaikan masalah sosial anak-anak yang membutuhkan. Untuk amal, kita dapat dan harus memanfaatkan teknologi baru. Tim Lucem adalah yang pertama melihat peluang untuk meningkatkan proses penggalangan dana menggunakan teknologi digital.


Lucem of Hope Community. Yayasan ini adalah platform terdesentralisasi di mana setiap pengguna dapat mengusulkan proyek. Anda memilih siapa yang akan membantu dan bagaimana caranya. Lucem menggunakan cryptocurrency dengan tujuan menyumbangkannya untuk amal.
Upaya yayasan ditujukan untuk menciptakan mekanisme baru yang memungkinkan penggunaan peluang mata uang kripto dan mengembangkan cara dan metode yang efisien untuk bekerja dengan mereka yang membutuhkan.
Aktivitas utama yayasan akan memberikan bantuan dalam pembelian peralatan medis dan obat-obatan untuk pusat medis dan rumah sakit di seluruh dunia. Tetapi yayasan harus didesentralisasi! Proyek sosial yang terdesentralisasi dan mata uang aman adalah kunci menuju masa depan yang sehat.
Sumber daya dari yayasan tidak dapat digunakan untuk membeli senjata atau untuk propaganda. Yayasan ini memiliki satu tujuan: Bantu anak-anak!

Berlian ISKRA

Hampir setengah dari berlian dunia diproses di Israel. Dengan ISKRA, Anda memiliki peluang unik untuk berinvestasi di 
instrumen keuangan yang paling andal. Harga berlian stabil dan bahkan lebih tahan terhadap bencana daripada harga emas! ISKRA bukan hanya investasi, tetapi juga tawar-menawar. Tawar-menawar yang tidak bisa Anda dapatkan kecuali dia telah bergabung dengan proyek Lucem.
Ini berarti bahwa usaha kecil dan pedagang pemula akan dapat bergabung dengan klub elit pialang saham. ISKRA tidak hanya membantu anak-anak. Ini juga merupakan alat investasi yang menguntungkan untuk pengamanan modal anonim.
  • Kami ingin ISKRA tidak hanya aman tetapi juga menguntungkan! Harga berlian tahan bencana dan lebih stabil daripada emas!
  • ISKRA memberi Anda kesempatan unik untuk menukarnya dengan berlian kapan saja, berdasarkan Daftar Harga Rapaport dan sertifikasi GIA. Dan itu berarti Anda akan selalu memiliki harga murni tanpa perantara: ini akan menghemat antara 10 hingga 50% dari biaya berlian.
  • Saat ini, hanya perusahaan besar di bursa saham yang memiliki kesempatan untuk berdagang menggunakan Daftar Harga Rapaport. Ini adalah broker saham. Hari ini, ini adalah mitra kami dan daftar mereka akan diperluas untuk mencakup seluruh dunia!
Terinspirasi untuk Menjalani Hidup Terbaik Anda Setiap Hari Dengan Hadiah untuk yang Baik!
Berlian lebih stabil daripada emas dan minyak!
ISKRA – Ada cara untuk membantu amal tanpa menyumbangkan uang!
Anda bisa mendapatkan ISKRA gratis hanya menggunakan Internet!

Big Society Capital (BSC) adalah lembaga keuangan independen di Inggris yang didirikan untuk mengembangkan dan membentuk pasar investasi sosial berkelanjutan di mana organisasi sektor sosial dapat mengakses modal yang mereka butuhkan untuk meningkatkan dampak positifnya terhadap masyarakat. BSC diluncurkan pada April 2012 dan merupakan bank investasi sosial pertama di dunia.
  • Sekitar 80% populasi bumi tidak memiliki akses standar ke layanan medis!
  • Sekitar 11.000.000 anak meninggal setiap tahun, dan lebih dari setengahnya adalah anak di bawah 5 tahun.
  • Pengeluaran global untuk senjata dan militer meningkat menjadi $ 1,7 triliun pada tahun 2017


Min. Rekomendasi: 
Harga Gas (Gwei) * – 10 
Gas Bekas * – 121000
1 ISKRA = 0,004 ETH ≈ 1 $ 
Min = 0,2 ETH 
Alamat: 0x7C9d21b60e9cA9bbf172b1Dc24f27EcF200dD146


Author: yongki39

Selasa, 18 Juni 2019


In a fast paced and rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency, it is important for cryptocurrency owners, investors, analyst and everyone in the cryptocurrency space to be kept abreast of current trends, innovations and analysis. Absolute control over information is an herculean task if not nearly impossible, there is increased risk of harsh user experience in the world of cryptocurrency and a rapidly advancing technology such as blockchain.
In a world of hackers, fraudsters and individuals who seek to take advantage of other people’s naivety, it is important to have access to tools, data, analysis and information to keep one up to date of current event happening in the everyday crypto space. Information is power, with the right tools, you are indomitable. But gathering these information from various sources proved to be a time sapping and effort consuming task. A perfect solution would be to have an ecosystem which provides these tools to everyone ranging from investors to cryptocurrency experts or people who are newly venturing into the crypto world in one giant platform and this is where POINTPAY comes in.

PointPay is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.
In addition, PointPay has business contacts with more than 50 banks and 25 payment systems, as well as 20 lawyers who deal with issues of licensing cryptobusiness. PointPay have 4 years of experience in supporting the functioning of payment systems, including signing contracts, working with banks, working with other payment systems, paying out funds, and building complex payment schemes. PointPay are currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign through the sale of 500,000,000 PXP tokens in order to raise funds for the development of fully functional versions of the products.

About The PointPay Ecosystem
Illustrated below are the features of the PointPay platform:

Token Details
PointPay Token will be released based on the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure security of the transactions, compatibility with the third-party services and will provide seamless and easy integration.

Soft cap: $1,000,000
Hard cap: $30,000,000
Symbol: PXP (PointPay token)
Total supply: 500,000,000
Unsold tokens: to be destroyed
Retail price: 1 PXP = $0.10
Funds Allocation and Token Distribution



For more information, please visit:
Author : yongki39
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2603810

Senin, 17 Juni 2019


DABANKING: Cách mạng của ngành công nghiệp game thông qua công nghệ DApp

Vấn đề của ngành công nghiệp game truyền thống
Với những tiến bộ công nghệ gần đây, giờ đây bạn có thể chơi trò chơi trực tuyến với người mà bạn chưa gặp về mặt vật lý từ đó tạo ra con đường cho các tương tác xã hội tốt hơn.
Một vai trò quan trọng khác của ngành công nghiệp trò chơi trong thời đại hiện nay của chúng ta là tài sản giải trí mà nó sở hữu do đó giúp mọi người giải tỏa căng thẳng và lo lắng.
Nếu bạn là người yêu thích trò chơi trên máy tính, thì bạn phải biết rằng có một số trò chơi cho phép người chơi của nó kiếm được một số phần thưởng dưới dạng tiền xu hoặc tiền tăng theo cách người dùng đạt được tiến bộ trong trò chơi. Một số trò chơi này cho phép người dùng sử dụng phần thưởng này để mua một số thiết bị trong trò chơi chỉ là ảo. Điều tương tự cũng xảy ra với ngành chơi game khi nền tảng Dabanking đã được thiết lập để chấm dứt việc kiếm phần thưởng chơi game không có trong thế giới thực trường hợp sử dụng. Các game thủ không còn sợ hãi bởi những phần thưởng trong trò chơi của họ mà không thể chuyển thành tiền mặt trong thế giới thực và kết quả là ngành công nghiệp game truyền thống bắt đầu mất đi các game thủ của mình.
Giải pháp của Dabanking
Dự án Dabanking đang sử dụng công nghệ ứng dụng phi tập trung để cách mạng hóa ngành công nghiệp này bằng cách tạo ra một nền tảng dựa trên blockchain cho phép xây dựng DApps với trải nghiệm người dùng tuyệt vời và minh bạch tối đa.
Nền tảng này đang được cung cấp năng lượng bằng tiền bản địa (mã thông báo DAA) chỉ có thể nhận được thông qua việc mua vé và chơi trò chơi với ethereum.
Một sản phẩm hoạt động rất đặc biệt của nền tảng này là Fomogame và Fomojackpot cho phép người chơi của nó kiếm được mã thông báo với chi phí rất thấp.
Dabanking cũng đã đưa ra một số chương trình kiếm thu nhập trên nền tảng của nó, bao gồm;
– Thu nhập tức thì cho phép bạn tăng số nhân chiến thắng của mình lên tới 650% số tiền chi tiêu ở vòng 0 bằng cách mua vé nhanh hơn
– Thu nhập giới thiệu cho phép bạn có được thu nhập không giới hạn khi giới thiệu người mới đến mua vé qua liên kết giới thiệu của bạn
– Thu nhập chiến thắng cho phép bạn kiếm được số tiền lớn ETH khi mua vé
– Thu nhập từ cổ tức khiến bạn kiếm được tiền khi giữ mã thông báo DAA cứ sau 2 tuần
– Thu nhập chơi game cho phép bạn kiếm tiền bằng cách chơi với DAA hoặc ETH
DAA là mã thông báo có thể khai thác, có các giai đoạn khai thác với tổng nguồn cung là 20.000.000. Nhóm cũng đã lên kế hoạch chương trình ghi mã thông báo sẽ được thực hiện sau mỗi 2 tuần để giảm tổng nguồn cung cấp mã thông báo.
Tóm lại nền tảng Dabanking cung cấp các ưu đãi chơi game với một chiều hướng hoàn toàn mới với các kế hoạch và phương pháp chỉ có riêng trên nền tảng này , nó không chỉ cải thiện ngành công nghiệp trò chơi mà còn cả hệ sinh thái blockchain nói chung.
#Dapps #DABANKING #FomoJackpot #Blockchain #ETH
Tìm hiểu thêm về dự án qua các liên kết dưới đây:
Telegram channel=>
Telegram community=>
TÁC GIẢ=> Bitcointalk username: yongki39


PointPay enthält eine Krypto-Geldbörse für mehrere Währungen.

PUNKTZAHLUNG bietet den Marktplatz für den Handel mit Waren und Dienstleistungen ohne Barrieren für Bezahlung, Sprache oder Unterstützung. Dieser Marktplatz verwendet Kryptowährung für ihr System. Indem es dieses hat, fördert es die Entwicklung von PUNKTZAHLUNG als den globalen Markt für Handel und Marktprodukte und Dienstleistungen.

Zum Beispiel kann der PUNKTZAHLUNG , indem er Kryptowährung hat, die Münze verwenden oder als Yoshi Coin bezeichnet werden, um Transaktionen durchzuführen. Darüber hinaus bietet es auch einen 24/7-Kundendienst, bei dem Käufer und Verkäufer die Aktualisierungsinformationen des Marktplatzes abrufen können. Die Hauptsache der Vorteile von Kryptowährung ist es, dem PUNKTZAHLUNG einen Marktplatz ohne Barrieren zu ermöglichen. In der Tat kann es jeden auf der ganzen Welt verbinden ohne die Angst, verschiedene Sprachen und Unterstützungen zu haben. Es macht dich eins durch die Verwendung von Kryptowährung.

Das Größere an der Kryptowährung von PUNKTZAHLUNG ist die Art und Weise, wie es Sicherheit für beide Seiten bietet. Käufer und Verkäufer wären in der Tat sicher, wenn sie Transaktionen für Produkte und Dienstleistungen tätigen. Es wird auch Betrug und gestohlene Daten verhindern. Ausgezeichnet, nicht wahr?

Business-System unterstützt von PUNKTZAHLUNG 
Um Dinge über die Business-Plattform wie PUNKTZAHLUNG zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen, wäre das Schema der Transaktionen wie folgt:
  1. Wenn Sie einige Produkte kaufen möchten, können Sie danach suchen und einen Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer herstellen.
  2. Nach der Überprüfung der Verfügbarkeit der Produkte wird der Verkäufer sie bestätigen.
  3. Danach können Sie die von PUNKTZAHLUNG unterstützte Zahlungsoption wählen. In diesem Fall verwenden Sie die Münze als Kryptowährungsplattform für die Brieftasche des Verkäufers.
  4. Wie die Zahlung gemacht, dann sendet der Verkäufer die Produkte an Sie. Als nächstes erhalten Sie Ihr Produkt ebenfalls. An dieser Stelle ist es ein Muss für Sie zu bestätigen, dass Ihre Produkte in einem guten und guten Zustand sind. Andernfalls können Sie die Produkte an den Verkäufer zurücksenden.
  5. Wenn Sie die Produkte, die Sie erhalten haben, bestätigen und ihnen zustimmen, wird die Zahlung, die Sie zuvor getätigt haben, an die Geldbörse des Verkäufers freigegeben.
  6. Folglich können sowohl Käufer als auch Verkäufer die Rate der Transaktionen angeben. Dann können beide auch die Belohnungspunkte bekommen.

In einer anderen Hand wendet PUNKTZAHLUNG auch die Gebührenstruktur an. Dadurch werden den Käufern Transaktionsgebühren in Rechnung gestellt. PUNKTZAHLUNG wird diese Gebühr nutzen, um eine Einnahmequelle für die laufende Wartung und Weiterentwicklung zu bieten. In diesem Fall, wenn Käufer mit Bitcoin, Ethereum oder Litecoin bezahlen: 3%, gefolgt von 1,5%, die an den klassifizierten Partner gezahlt werden, und 1,5%, die zur Finanzierung von PUNKTZAHLUNG-Prämien und -Services verwendet werden. Außerdem, wenn der Käufer mit Yoshi-Münze zahlt: 1,5% dann die 1,5%, die an klassifizierten Partner gezahlt werden. Diese Gebührenstruktur dient der Förderung von Transaktionen in Yoshi Coin sowie der Unterstützung des Wachstums und der Nachhaltigkeit des Marktes. Sie müssen sich jedoch keine Sorgen machen, da der PUNKTZAHLUNG die Platzierung von Display-Werbung und Premium-Anzeigenpositionierung als Ihre Vorteile anbietet.

Token Sale (PXP)

Token PUNKTZAHLUNG ist als token ausgelegt, kompatibel mit ERC20 auf der Ethereum Plattform und nutzt die Schließtechnik. Zielgruppe PUNKTZAHLUNG - eine Fluggesellschaft, ein Reisebüro, ein Marktführer, sowie online-Shops auf der ganzen Welt. Mit solchen Vorteilen, PUNKTZAHLUNG basierend auf einer fortschrittlichen, sicheren und effektiven Schließtechnik, wird eine Milliarde Dollar auf dem globalen Markt besitzen.

Eigenschaften von PUNKTZAHLUNG

  1. Bietet mehrere Plattformen
  2. Um den globalen Markt für jedermann auf der ganzen Welt zu ermöglichen, hat PUNKTZAHLUNG mehrere Plattformen geschaffen, um Einzelpersonen die Nutzung dieser Plattform zu erleichtern. Benutzer können PUNKTZAHLUNG über eine mobile App und eine Web-Anwendung zugreifen.
  3. Bietet flexible Zahlungsmethoden
  4. Genauso wie PUNKTZAHLUNG mit der Kryptowährung zusammenarbeitete, erlaubt es jedem, flexible Zahlungsmethoden zu entwickeln. In der Tat akzeptiert diese Plattform Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, sowie Yoshi Coin. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die Transaktionen zwischen Fiat und Crypto übertragen werden können.
  6. PUNKTZAHLUNG ist eine Plattform, die ihre Nutzer versteht. Eine der Funktionen dieser Plattform ist die Bereitstellung der benutzerdefinierten API / XML für jeden unserer Kleinanzeigenpartner. Dadurch können Nutzer von Partnerwebsites Anzeigen auf PUNKTZAHLUNG überlisten.
  7. Belohnungssystem verfügbar
  8. Wie zuvor beschrieben, bietet PUNKTZAHLUNG Belohnungssysteme für Käufer und Verkäufer, die Transaktionen getätigt haben. Was noch größer ist, ist, dass die meisten Transaktionen eine Chance haben, außergewöhnliche monatliche Preise zu gewinnen, um ihre Loyalität zu belohnen.
  9. Verbinden Sie sich mit Partnerschaften
  10. PUNKTZAHLUNG spielt die Strategie für das Marketing durch die Schaffung der großen Partnerschaften. Einer der Vorteile für die Partner ist, dass sie pro erfolgreicher Transaktion eine Provision von 1,5% erhalten.

Kurz gesagt, PUNKTZAHLUNG bietet das großartige Business-System sowie die Cryptocurrency-Plattform für den Handel und die Vermarktung von Produkten. Es bietet die Vorteile von Funktionen und die Sicherheit von Online-Transaktionen. Daher braucht diese Plattform mehr Unterstützung, um den globalen Markt als ihren Marktplatz zu suchen.


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Benutzernamen: yongki39
Eth: 0xC693Bf8985D807E4dAB4CDF0F179aA589fFCF0d9